View Full Version : Boa health issue

11-29-17, 12:32 PM
So i have this columbian redtail boa and ive had it for two weeks now fed it twice lillttle small size hoppers and the last week ive seen him poop twice but when i decided to handle her i noticed it kinda looked like something was coming out her butt but was stuck soaked her a few times but its still the same alil worried now does anybody know what this is

11-30-17, 05:54 AM
No clue, but you could always contact a vet by email and provide a better picture.

EL Ziggy
11-30-17, 08:55 AM
It looks like a prolapse. I would definitely get the animal to a vet ASAP.

12-08-17, 11:15 AM
Looks like a prolapsed vent/anus. It could indicate a lot of potential gastro-intestinal issues. Give the feeding a break until he goes to the vet.