View Full Version : Adult size comparison pic

Grant vg
03-02-03, 01:46 PM
A few ppl have been emailing me asking for size comparison pics of adult blood pythons.
So, heres my biggest female who is HOPEFULLY already gravid, only time will tell....

To tell u the truth, they're really not that big of a snake, length wise i mean.
Hope u like, this is Blondie.
And yes thats my dorky a$$ in the background. :p

03-02-03, 05:23 PM
very nice female looks very healthy congrats.

03-02-03, 06:57 PM
Awesome girl!! That's the one I LOVE right there :D

03-02-03, 07:34 PM
Sweet blood. What size rats does that take and how many do you feed it?

03-02-03, 09:20 PM
Wow, that is one plump snake. Do all the bloods reach that girth?

03-03-03, 03:58 PM
Ok, I'm confuzzled. I went over to ProExotics for a size comparison pics, because no one else seems to have one, and they have a pic of an adult blood that is longer and *much* thicker. Which is average, yours or theirs? (I ask because I'm planning on buying a black blood fairly soon, and I need to plan cage size)

- Victoria :w

03-03-03, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by Grant vg
So, heres my biggest female who is HOPEFULLY already gravid, only time will tell....

Ahem ahem... I think you meant to say "here's <B>Linds'</B> biggest female..." hehehe o>

She's lookin great, good luck with her!

03-03-03, 04:31 PM
She is plump that is fersure!

Beautiful snake, looks very healthy!@

beth wallbank
03-03-03, 06:48 PM
i want!!
i want!!
i want!!

Grant vg
03-03-03, 08:27 PM
Thanks for the great cooments everyone!
@linds.........DREAM ON! muahahahahah....nah, ur at the top of the list for any yellow babies that might bless me this season, if u want that is, and i will set up a special lay-away plan for u, cause i know u got a gazillion herps in that small room, and waiting to move to the basement! :)

@Victoria, i am assuming your talking about this pro exotic pic...


In my opinion, this is one abnormally HUGE borneo short-tail python.
And if i remember correctly, it is a MALE!
But i might be wrong.
This would be considered a Large specimen, and i would assume, my yellow one in the pic, which doesn't really give her size justice, to be an average sized brongersmai. However, research says that the yellow ones, as adults tend to be a wee bit smaller, then the true reds.
For a black, 4 x 2 (or 36") would probably be fine, 5 feet in length to fit it comfortably.


03-05-03, 04:47 PM
Lay-away-plan?! Do you have good financing rates? hehehe.

03-07-03, 04:34 PM
grant... ur hats on the wrong way bro :(


Grant vg
03-08-03, 12:37 AM
What do u mean wrong way?

03-08-03, 01:05 AM
is there a right way to wear it?? I leave the tags in mine :D