View Full Version : Introduction

11-09-17, 05:42 PM
I'm new to the forums. I'm not new to snakes though. I have a Retic that her mother is a SD and her father is a Albino Dwarf. Her name is Sam, short for Samantha. I will Upload some pics soon.

She is pretty gentle, she does get aggressive when she smells food. I've had her for 2 years now, she is about 5 years old now and about 9'

I look forward to meeting everyone and learning from everyone.

EL Ziggy
11-10-17, 08:32 AM
Welcome aboard Jester. Very nice retic!

DJC Reptiles
11-10-17, 10:45 AM
Welcome! amazing reticulate python! What percentage of the father was dwarf blood? She seems pretty big, I am guessing she is around 55-60% dwarf, maybe get another foot?. How close was I? Anyway, welcome to the forums, it's awesome when new people join.

11-12-17, 03:32 AM
Love retics. I have a trio of Madu locality ones - 2 adults and a juvenile. Up there with my favourite snakes - so much personality.

Very feisty around food and the adult female is mean but still love them.

11-13-17, 06:05 PM
Welcome to sSNAKESs! And that's a nice looking snake...colors almost look like gold!