View Full Version : Help with identification

10-02-17, 08:42 AM
Hey guys! New here so go easy. Just picked up this girl a few days ago, was told she is a Hypo Sugar Pastel. The people I got her from weren't extremely informed and she wasn't kept in the best conditions (currently being treated for a slight mite infestation). Would appreciate your thoughts on her morph. Unfortunately, the pictures don't do her justice as well as I'd like.

10-03-17, 07:49 AM
Sugar is a specific bloodline of pastels that is not really differentiated by the naked eye, it would be a line bred trait, so unless you have lineage information or trust the people you purchased from, just call it a hypo.

10-03-17, 12:19 PM
Good looking boa

10-07-17, 10:40 AM
cool looking Boa you have there