09-27-17, 12:49 PM
Hi all!
So my female corn has been on aspen shavings since I got her back in May. The problem is that the aspen is dusty and makes her "sneeze". She started this "sneezing" on day seven (possibly on day one, I don't know 'cause I left her alone for the first week). Just to head off suggestions of an RI, I know its the aspen cause she'll "sneeze" a couple times for the first few of minutes of handling then stop. When I place her back in her home, she'll start again, but only if she is moving. When she's still, no "sneezing".
Otherwise, I love the aspen. It looks nice, is easy to clean, and Cirice (the corn) likes to burrow all through it. I've tried two brands of aspen, the cheap stuff at Walmart and another one I got at the pet store (forgot the brand but here was a picture of a milk/king snake on the bag). Both were very dusty.
I've never tried a different substrate, so any suggestions? I'd really like something that she can burrow through, she never seems to climb but is always burrowing and it's really cool how many little tunnels she has made. I'd like her to keep it up.
Thanks for any suggestions!
So my female corn has been on aspen shavings since I got her back in May. The problem is that the aspen is dusty and makes her "sneeze". She started this "sneezing" on day seven (possibly on day one, I don't know 'cause I left her alone for the first week). Just to head off suggestions of an RI, I know its the aspen cause she'll "sneeze" a couple times for the first few of minutes of handling then stop. When I place her back in her home, she'll start again, but only if she is moving. When she's still, no "sneezing".
Otherwise, I love the aspen. It looks nice, is easy to clean, and Cirice (the corn) likes to burrow all through it. I've tried two brands of aspen, the cheap stuff at Walmart and another one I got at the pet store (forgot the brand but here was a picture of a milk/king snake on the bag). Both were very dusty.
I've never tried a different substrate, so any suggestions? I'd really like something that she can burrow through, she never seems to climb but is always burrowing and it's really cool how many little tunnels she has made. I'd like her to keep it up.
Thanks for any suggestions!