View Full Version : Another pair...

09-13-17, 01:21 PM
Some of you are aware that I lurk on Craigslist and pick up the odd snake every now and then, 22 of the 26 I have right now, when people are either tired of their snakes, can't afford them, or supposedly don't have time to care for them any more. I'm not a rescue, I pass on a lot of snakes, but when the price is right, and the snakes are a species I don't have, then it's rather elementary what's going to happen...

Well, two more will be finding their way to my home next week, a juvenile Children's Python and a 3yr old Woma. I'm picking up three new 4'x2' BoaMaster vivs at the same time, so my new guests at "House Scuba", the Woma especially, will have new digs a day or two later (when the silicone finishes curing).

(Sellers) Pics...


09-18-17, 03:30 AM
Oh they look great! Congrats! :D

09-18-17, 05:31 AM
Thanks! Im also picking up a Zebra JCP this weekend from a couple that's moving. It's a live feeder, multiple mice per feeding, so I will now have another snake, four in all, to convert to f/t.

Hopefully this one goes a bit better than my Dumerils or my two Anthills!

I'll post pics of the new one this coming weekend.

Oh they look great! Congrats! :D

09-19-17, 05:32 AM
Stunning Woma and cute Children's Pythons.

09-19-17, 05:53 AM
Nice woma, male or female? I'm looking to pick up another in the near future

10-15-17, 12:55 PM
I've always wanted a children's python but every single one I've ever met is nearly unhandleable...and my patience for bratty snakes is low atm.

10-15-17, 01:02 PM
I've always wanted a children's python but every single one I've ever met is nearly unhandleable...and my patience for bratty snakes is low atm.

That's strange you say that. Over here, antaresias are usually recommended as first snakes, because of their size, and their temperament. We've had several spotted pythons, and they've all been great handlers.

Albert Clark
10-15-17, 06:46 PM
Nice additions Scuba! "Variety is the spice of life" is what they say. Grats man, they really look cool.

10-16-17, 12:10 AM
Very nice. I've been offered a woma and I'm very tempted but not sure I have the space for another larger snake.

Childreni on the other hand - lovely little things and could happily sneak on of those in :)

Pics when you have some...