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03-01-03, 07:07 PM
Hi everyone, I went to Port Credit Pet Center today like I always do. I have to admit that even over the years there's one thing I can't deny and that's the customer service is impecable. I want to thank Grant for putting up with me over the years and to applaud the fantastic work he has done over the years with the store and the shows. I think that through all your hard work you deserve a Thank-YOU!! and anyone who hasn't been to PCPC go and experience it.


03-01-03, 07:19 PM
Totally agree with you Nuno. PCPC is out of the way for me, but I sent my sister there for my christmas present last year :) She didn't have a clue what she was looking for, so she printed the e-mail I sent her and showed it to whoever was working. They helped her out (she said they were really friendly and cute, lol) and ended up getting me a locking screen lid and an UTH for my BP :)

03-02-03, 12:39 PM
Thank-you for sharing your experience!! :D

03-02-03, 12:58 PM
Hey Nuno, I was there yesterday, didn't see you :( Bummer!

PCPC is great! It just keeps getting better and better every time I go. I will join in on the THANK YOU'S to Grant for putting together awesome reptile shows and for all the hard work he has done for herps in Ontario over the years.

And Grant... an even bigger thank you for all you have done for me personally. :D



Shane Tesser
03-02-03, 02:41 PM
I love PcPc as well...except for this one time....i was there and Grant locked me in the basement with the large Croc he keeps down there....and he kept me in there for a week, with only bread and water to keep alive. It was absolutely horrible, all because i only asked if i could get a discount....geeze, ill never do that again!!! But in all seriousness...Grant is a great guy, who on a regular basis puts up with Jeff, Matt and i as we visit and spend the whole day there driving him nuts...but then again...there was this other time at band camp...... :D

03-02-03, 03:02 PM
yes, Grant is a great guy with a lot of patience.. I dont know how he handles Shane let alone the three of us together when we get there!! The store is great, everything you need is right there and the staff IS always willing to help and they are all very friendly.. If you haven't been there, i suggest you do.. (that should get me some crix, eh Grant? Just Kidding)

03-02-03, 09:05 PM
it is a great store indeed, but i suggest you take your herp to a vet after you purchase it from there.....i bought a bearded dragon from there and i had to get it and my other BD de-wormed, it cost me a fortion, my friend also bought a savana monitor from there that had some kinda parisites.....so watch out, the service may be good...but the animals can be bad.

Just Me
03-02-03, 11:03 PM
I love PC pets. No matter how busy it is, someone will always come around to ask if you need help. Can't get much better than that! Thanks goes out to the ENTIRE staff of PCPC for all your hard work and dedication in the herp world.

03-02-03, 11:09 PM
If you or your friend have read anything about Savannah monitors, I hope that you would realize that virtually 100% of them are wild caught animals. It's to be expected that you will need to purge a Savannah upon purchase. I don't think it's fair that you over generalize on the animals at PCPC based upon your sole experience and your friend's ill thought purchase. That's just not fair to start a bunch of sh*t slinging like this AGAIN on the forums here because you ran into some poor luck. It's been done. Review prior posts in this forum.
I admit, I have bought a few wild caught animals at PCPC, and ran into problems with those. I found Grant to be a reasonable person in terms of helping me out with my problems, but I took it into account that I may expereince difficulties buying the animals I did. On the contrary, I have also purchased a number of animals over the years from Port Credit, and never experienced a day of stress from them. It's fair to say that if the animals are imports, they can be troublesome, and that should be anticipated. Otherwise, I have found Grant and his staff to deliver quality, and has always greeted my friends and I with a smile and is ever willing to answer my questions.
Face reality, animals get sick, they aren't bullet proof, and if we love them as much as we do, that "fortune" should be worth it.
Happy herping, wherever you choose to do it.

03-02-03, 11:18 PM
I have dealt with PCPC since 1986, and can tell you Grant Crossman runs a great store and has been ever so helpful regarding herpaetology questions in all respects. I would not hesitate to recommend Port Credit Pet Centre to anyone.
An honest and trustworthy organization.

Excellent customer service and advice.
Truely value added service for the customer.


03-02-03, 11:30 PM
i though we wern't going to get into the good and bad of pcpc again? ive never been, yes ive been told stories good and bad, but if this is all that ppl have to say about them y dont we start a pcpc appreciation society?

03-03-03, 12:12 AM
Grant has a great store and doesn't get too upset even if you maul his silkworms.LOL

03-03-03, 12:28 AM

03-03-03, 09:29 AM
:( I wanna go to PCPC...
next time y'all go, you're welcome to come give me a lift.... ;)

03-03-03, 09:57 AM
I am in agreement. Grant is a great guy that contributes alot to the scene. Both by running one of the founding sources of reptiles as well as putting on one of the best reptile expos in the country! :D I have done business with him in the past, and intend on it in the future as well ;) I have received several animals from him in the past, some were in impeccable condition, and yes, some I did have to treat for tummy bugs, but what everyone must realize is that it is a store. These animals come in and out quickly, and come from many different sources often with similar situations only larger scales, their histories often unknown. It is virtually impossible to prevent parasites, illlness, etc from making their way in, especially with WC's. It is impossible for an establishment of that type to quarantine their animals, some of which will only be in the store for days before being sold, the best a storeowner can do is handpick their stock as carefully as they can based on appearance. The buyer must be aware of this and use their best judgement when selecting their animal. All precautions should be taken when purchasing from a pet store (as well as anywhere else). My 2cp ;)

03-03-03, 11:56 AM
The reason I started this thread is to thank Grant for all the hard work and his great customer service. Show after show I've gone and come and witnessed Grant pulling hair out trying to make sure each and every individual has been cared for. I felt that at least a Thank you would show my appreciation for the hard work that sometimes you don't get to see. I have been going to PCPC for about 8 years and still to this day am impressed with the customer service and just wanted to share my experience with everyone.

Thank you Grant!! :D

03-03-03, 12:36 PM
how nice nuno. grant is a great guy he has alot of things keep up the good work grant you know you will...........

03-03-03, 12:40 PM

of course that is only because it is in another country LOL

03-03-03, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by BWSmith

of course that is only because it is in another country LOL

oh, sure, let something like distance hold you back from visiting his store. thats no excuse. you can visit when you come up for the sSnakeSs party :)

the amel corn i got from pcpc is doing well and growing fast

Just Me
03-03-03, 09:12 PM
You don't know what you're missing, BWSmith!!!

Just Me
03-03-03, 09:57 PM
I think PCPC is great. I know there have been complaints, but it hasn't been shut down!! And I think every store will have it's share of complaints from people! PCPC just gets a lot of publicity on the forums when someone has a problem. People are more likely to post when they have ONE negitive thing to say, rather than posting a positive experience they have every week (or however often you visit).

I think Nuno is on the right track here! :) For people who have never been to PCPC, it might seem like a not-so-good place to buy your herps. But in fact, its a great place. It is a very reputable and established store. Thank you to Nuno for giving PCPC a chance to restore its good rep.

I've always been very satisfied with the store. Grant is great, and his staff is great, too. They all work like dogs to make sure the customers are looked after.
(And there's a little cutie who works on weekends who is really nice!!) ;)

03-04-03, 12:05 PM
Thank you all for replying!! :D

03-04-03, 01:25 PM
My favourite PCPC aquisition...

<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/503/22ollie0001.jpg">

03-04-03, 08:34 PM
Good Advice Linds.

Imagine owning a store like PCPC and trying to ensure diseases don't come in when people are selling you stuff all the time.
Its like a reptile orgy with no one wrapping up.

Its easy for us to be critical when we have five tanks at home, but imagine trying to keep what Grant has disease free all the time. Nearly impossible.
