05-17-02, 05:26 AM
Hello all. I have a question about Bloodred Corn snakes. I'm actually getting a corn snake either this weekend or next from a breeder and I wanted to know more details about his genetics. His dad was a bloodred and mom was a normal. He is not really a blood red but not a normal either. He is completely orange and red with no black and no white but his colors aren't as bright as a bloodred. My question is, if he ever has babies what will they look like? Is the bloodred trait somesort of gene that he can pass on to the babies or will his babies look normal (if he's paired with a normal) or what? Thanks for any and all help. Oh, and I understand that if it IS a gene then 25% of his babies will be all red and orange, no black or white, and the rest will be normal. But someone told me this is not the case with bloodred, that it doesn't work that way.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Thanks in advance for the help!