08-28-17, 03:44 PM
Anyone have any info on captivity? The store got in a couple dozen "house geckos" we got someone to ID as Hemidactylus platyurus and were selling them a few dollars each so I have 5. We wanted house geckos to breed partially for feeders but it's $40 minimum anywhere I've looked to order a group since they aren't generally sold in stores and hardly anyone raises feeder lizards instead of buying wc. I was just told keep them as a tropical species. They are going into a 29 or this weird size 30 something tank I have when I build a lid and move some things around. I was going to try to figure out gender but now I have to recapture the bastards after almost losing 2 shoving them in a 10gallon temporarily before I had to be gone all yesterday. The store was up to 5 loose and they just started selling them friday lol The other guy is like well they'll eat the crickets that escaped earlier. It's mostly an aquarium store so it's steadily high humidity near 80F so they might have a problem if they keep losing house geckos and insects....