View Full Version : Soaking snek.

08-11-17, 02:30 AM
Maybe I'm being a paranoid parent, but for the past couple weeks I've noticed my little Dumeril's soaking in her water bowl. She's always drank quite alot, but I'd never once seen her get into the bowl. She went into shed shortly after the first time I saw her in it, so I thought perhaps that was why. But for the past several days, every time I come home, she's soaking in her bowl. I've checked the bowl for mites a few times, but haven't seen any. Is there another reason she might be doing this?

08-11-17, 02:35 AM
If it was my False Water Cobra, I'd say, "meh, it's normal"; but for the Dumerils, and no mites present, I'd say it's either cooling off or, like you said, it's "shed prepping" again.

I'm sure someone else will have an idea if I'm wrong.

08-11-17, 02:57 AM
She actually just shed about 4 days ago. In fact, I just moved the water bowl to the middle of the enclosure (because she's spilled so much under her dish I want to let it dry out under the lights) and she didn't even bother to get out. She let me move the bowl with her in it. Maybe she is just cooling off, as she prefers the cool side of the enclosure most often. Temps are dialed in, her humidity is at 50-60%, she just shed and ate (a miracle for this one). Maybe she is discovering that she likes baths.

08-11-17, 04:27 PM
Check your temperatures... Maybe she's just hot.

If you believe your temps are alright and you use a thermostat, dial it back a little and see if it helps.

08-11-17, 11:04 PM
Check your temperatures... Maybe she's just hot.

If you believe your temps are alright and you use a thermostat, dial it back a little and see if it helps.

I think you're right! Thank you so much. I realized the thermostat probe was in the wrong spot and it seems her temps might be a little high. I dialed them down a little last night, so we will see if she's in the bowl when I get home!