View Full Version : Bowed fish tank to snake cage

08-08-17, 10:29 PM
I'm getting a ball python and need to upgrade he size of my tank. I found a fish tank for a great price. Can I convert it? The thing is it's a bowed tank. Would this still work being a 40 gallon and that's what the guy told me I needed. I'm just not sure if thatll be enough room.

I'm getting a fully grown female

08-09-17, 04:11 AM
What is the footprint?

08-09-17, 04:16 AM
Someone else asked about a bowed tank before, in another thread; let's see if I can find it...

Couldn't find it. :mad:

Hopefully you have a top for it, or are you planning to make one?

08-09-17, 04:29 AM
Personally I'd have said not big enough by some margin. Even a 55g is too small but then I considered a little odd when it comes to regius care ;)

08-09-17, 04:16 PM
Tank Size Chart (http://hvreef.org/tank_size.html)

Standard bowfront tank sizes are at the bottom. 36x15x20 would be great for any of the North American Rat Snake species. I'd probably want a little more room for a ball python but it sounds like it'd suit a smallish male quite nicely. Getting a secure lid would be of the utmost importance however and that's not an easy shape to work with.

08-09-17, 04:56 PM
36x15 is too small for a adult bp imo. Used aquariums are pretty easy to come by. You'd want a bigger footprint.