View Full Version : updated img pics

08-02-17, 01:27 AM
thought i would share some fresh pics of my CA Hypo IMG female boa called Medusa who was one in april
She is still a bit of a grump but some days you can handle handle her no problems with out a single hiss but other days its a full full teeth blaring and i reckon her Hiss could turn you too stone.but i still keep on trying and hopefully she will calm as she gets older.
she definitely got darker since i had her and is growing really fast .i reckon she will be a big girl as an adult

EL Ziggy
08-02-17, 08:07 AM
She's a real beauty Rich! I love those dark colors!

08-02-17, 08:51 AM
She's an absolute beauty :D

08-02-17, 09:06 AM
Thanks el ziggy and tsubaki
She looks so good after a fresh shed especially the reds on her tail

08-03-17, 07:39 PM
I love her skin color! She'll get used to you eventually. :)

08-04-17, 03:30 AM
Thanks zasshiki
Yes she is a nice dark contrast against her red tail and white speckles,
I keep getting her out and she does calm after a few mins

08-04-17, 03:51 AM
Pretty snake Rich. If I were into morphs this is the sort of thing I'd be getting - natural looking but different.

08-04-17, 07:26 AM
Thanks Danny .yes it is quite a natural looking morph as you say

08-04-17, 07:48 AM
VERY cool one you've got there, Rich

dave himself
08-04-17, 10:28 AM
She's one stunning boa mate

08-04-17, 10:59 AM
Thanks Andy and dave , I am really pleased with the way she is colouring up

09-28-17, 01:20 PM
Well I've been upping the handling on my lovely hypo img medusa and it seems to paying off ,she still a bit grumpy getting her out the viv but soon settles down enough to let me gently stroke under her chin with out her moving she's definitely getting darker that's for sure

09-29-17, 03:23 AM
Wow so dark !!! Very like IMG. Hope one day I will have some from my poss IMG.

09-29-17, 12:27 PM
Thanks enigma, yes she getting darker each shed

10-26-17, 02:39 PM
Ive done a little video of how well my Hypo img has come on in the past month from hissing and trying to bite me all the time to be quite relaxed


04-08-18, 06:10 AM
thought i would post a few updated pics of my hypo c/a img boa 'Medusa'
she has calmed down so much she used to hiss and snarl so much. now if i slide the glass most of the time she will slide out and seems to like being handled,all the hard work seems to have paid off
i love her round sadlles but she is getting so much darker with each shed and even in shed she is so iridescent

she has put loads of growth on she is now 1200g and is two on the 12th april and is 4.5ft long she is on small rats every two weeks and is moving to every 3 weeks next week

06-13-18, 01:27 AM
i got a few outdoor shots of my hypo img in the sunshine the other night, shes really iridescent in the sun, her circular saddles are fading fast now as she gets darker .
im really glad shes keeping the copper colours on her tail
shes chilled out so much now, still get the odd hiss now and then but once out her viv shes fine

EL Ziggy
06-13-18, 11:38 AM
Very impressive animals Rich. You've helped put boas on my short list of potential new snakes.

06-13-18, 03:36 PM
I'm glad to hear that Medusa is calming down.

06-14-18, 01:37 AM
thanks el ziggy and clockwerk, i am glad shes calmed down too ,dont like getting snarled at every time i walked pat her viv, she actually comes pretty much straight out soon as i slide the glass now

a boa would be great addition to your collection el ziggy, some absolute amazing morphs and pure locality boas that will fit any size bracket you have space for

08-31-18, 01:03 AM
thought i would share a few updated pics on her vast colour change and her mood, she growing fast now and getting really solid
she is now a pleasure to have out, all the hard work was worth it, i never thought i was gonna be able to hold her properly

EL Ziggy
08-31-18, 08:42 AM
That IMG is spectacular Rich! I'd LOVE to have one of those beauties but the prices need to come down a bit yet. ;)

08-31-18, 09:59 AM
thanks el ziggy
your new bco will have a nice drastic colour change too

08-31-18, 04:24 PM
Holy cow Batman that is one awesome morph...I'll take two please.

08-31-18, 09:31 PM
Ooooh she's gorgeous!

09-03-18, 01:13 AM
thanks 1202 and phenyx
shes pretty neat thats for sure
cheers rich