07-19-17, 04:51 PM
A brief reintroduction.
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4303/35776289052_8429d416ce_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/WvqQiS)
Since the loss of my Photobucket images I've decided to start a new thread for my snake room and the critters that call it home. Here's an updated picture of the room. Most everything important can be seen here save the two enclosures in the closet, which is directly behind the camera from this perspective. From left to right, the first thing just visible in the bottom left corner of the frame is my new incubator (more on that in a bit). Then a small shelving unit I use to store newspaper and other odds and ends, then the 28 slot six quart hatchling rack topped with the "Triplex," a custom three enclosure unit. The Triplex currently houses a Banded Rock Rattlesnake in the top slot, a Prairie Rattlesnake in the middle slot, and an Eastern Coachwhip in the bottom slot. The Eastern Coachwhip, though growing very fast, is so slight of build I was worried it might be able to slip between the glass doors, so I have that gap filled with a bit of cardboard. I've really been enjoying watching the Coachwhip come along, it is very active and alert. It always has an eye on me when I'm in the room and has a simply ferocious feeding response. A lot of fun to observe and work with. To the right of the hatchling rack is my little 10 gallon planted aquarium, next to it are three plywood enclosures. I still haven't got around to building a fourth, I've had the materials set aside for some time now but it seems something more pressing is always coming up. If and when I get around to building it the Coachwhip will likely move into it. Tucked away in the corner there are two eight slot 15 quart racks, the plastic rack is a Boaphile rack that is primarily used for juvenile Ball Pythons, and the plywood rack houses Colubrids. On the right wall there is a six slot 28 quart Boaphile rack that houses male and small female Ball Pythons, a seven slot 28 quart plywood rack that houses Colubrids and Crotalids, then a seven slot 41 quart plywood rack that houses Colubrids, and finally a seven slot 41 quart Animal Plastics rack that houses my adult female Ball Pythons, and a couple large male Ball Pythons. I like the Animal Plastics rack to a certain extent, but I really don't think it's ideal for Ball Pythons. I have two main issues with it; first that the tolerances are rather loose so that there is a bit of a gap around the top of each tub, resulting in too much ventilation even with no additional air holes, so that the tubs stay far too dry for Ball Pythons, and secondly, that the heating element used is only three inch heat tape, which makes for a rather small hot spot for the heavy bodied Ball Pythons. I plan on ordering another, more ideal rack at some point and using the Animal Plastics rack for Colubrids, but in the meantime I make due.
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4314/35223250153_aada92f6a3_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/VEyn7r)
The two enclosures I designed to fit into the closet in the snake room. They are both done, just as soon as the glass I have on order comes in the new inhabitants will be moving in.
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4309/35776297782_00ce8ade34_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/WvqSUo)
I built a new incubator in anticipation of multiple Ball Python clutches this year. My old incubator could hold only one egg box, this one can hold up to four. It's made of an only slightly modified Coleman 120 quart cooler, a small slot cut into top right corner to run wires through was all that was needed. Wrap a piece of eleven inch heat tape all the way around the interior, connect it to a small extension cord via a couple heat tape connectors and a bit of solder, run it through a thermostat, use some electrical tape to seal the connections and a bit of masking tape to hold it all in place, and add a couple layers of water bottles to keep the temps stable and voila! A simple, inexpensive, but very effective incubator. I open it daily to allow a fresh air exchange and to spot check the temps with an infrared temp gun.
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4291/35776295042_86141aae7d_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/WvqS69)
Baby snakes! This is a Mystic x Spider clutch. I attempted three pairings this year, Mystic x Spider, Pinstripe x Normal, and Het Albino x Het Albino. The Mystic x Spider pairing went very well, I got two Mystic Spiders, four Mystics, and one normal. The sire, the Mystic, did a darn good job throwing six of seven Mystics, I was very happy. The only downside is that both Mystic Spiders are males, but what are you going to do. I'm keeping one of the Mystic Spiders, and one of the female Mystics. The Pinstripe x Normal failed for the second year in a row, I'm starting to think he's a dud. I know she's not. I just want a female Pinstripe darn it. The Pinstripe x Normal paring was the only paring I attempted last year, so it was a real bummer when nothing came of it. I don't think I'll try a single paring in any given season again, I like baby snakes too much to waste a whole year on a single attempt that may not work out. At least two or three a year should be good I think. The third paring this year, Het Albino x Het Albino, produced only four good eggs, one slug, and one infertile. The eggs are in the incubator even now, I really hope I hit the odds and get at least one Albino.
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4297/35137477353_a7dfe4fae6_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/VwYKR4)
The Mystic x Spider clutch in their nursery tub, just before they shed.
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4310/35137475243_beb57a8f7b_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/VwYKdF)
Mystic Spider just after his first shed. A bit camera shy it is. This little one has a date with a Lesser female when he's big enough, looking to get a shot at an Elia Ball (Mystic x Lesser x Spider).
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4303/35776289052_8429d416ce_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/WvqQiS)
Since the loss of my Photobucket images I've decided to start a new thread for my snake room and the critters that call it home. Here's an updated picture of the room. Most everything important can be seen here save the two enclosures in the closet, which is directly behind the camera from this perspective. From left to right, the first thing just visible in the bottom left corner of the frame is my new incubator (more on that in a bit). Then a small shelving unit I use to store newspaper and other odds and ends, then the 28 slot six quart hatchling rack topped with the "Triplex," a custom three enclosure unit. The Triplex currently houses a Banded Rock Rattlesnake in the top slot, a Prairie Rattlesnake in the middle slot, and an Eastern Coachwhip in the bottom slot. The Eastern Coachwhip, though growing very fast, is so slight of build I was worried it might be able to slip between the glass doors, so I have that gap filled with a bit of cardboard. I've really been enjoying watching the Coachwhip come along, it is very active and alert. It always has an eye on me when I'm in the room and has a simply ferocious feeding response. A lot of fun to observe and work with. To the right of the hatchling rack is my little 10 gallon planted aquarium, next to it are three plywood enclosures. I still haven't got around to building a fourth, I've had the materials set aside for some time now but it seems something more pressing is always coming up. If and when I get around to building it the Coachwhip will likely move into it. Tucked away in the corner there are two eight slot 15 quart racks, the plastic rack is a Boaphile rack that is primarily used for juvenile Ball Pythons, and the plywood rack houses Colubrids. On the right wall there is a six slot 28 quart Boaphile rack that houses male and small female Ball Pythons, a seven slot 28 quart plywood rack that houses Colubrids and Crotalids, then a seven slot 41 quart plywood rack that houses Colubrids, and finally a seven slot 41 quart Animal Plastics rack that houses my adult female Ball Pythons, and a couple large male Ball Pythons. I like the Animal Plastics rack to a certain extent, but I really don't think it's ideal for Ball Pythons. I have two main issues with it; first that the tolerances are rather loose so that there is a bit of a gap around the top of each tub, resulting in too much ventilation even with no additional air holes, so that the tubs stay far too dry for Ball Pythons, and secondly, that the heating element used is only three inch heat tape, which makes for a rather small hot spot for the heavy bodied Ball Pythons. I plan on ordering another, more ideal rack at some point and using the Animal Plastics rack for Colubrids, but in the meantime I make due.
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4314/35223250153_aada92f6a3_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/VEyn7r)
The two enclosures I designed to fit into the closet in the snake room. They are both done, just as soon as the glass I have on order comes in the new inhabitants will be moving in.
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4309/35776297782_00ce8ade34_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/WvqSUo)
I built a new incubator in anticipation of multiple Ball Python clutches this year. My old incubator could hold only one egg box, this one can hold up to four. It's made of an only slightly modified Coleman 120 quart cooler, a small slot cut into top right corner to run wires through was all that was needed. Wrap a piece of eleven inch heat tape all the way around the interior, connect it to a small extension cord via a couple heat tape connectors and a bit of solder, run it through a thermostat, use some electrical tape to seal the connections and a bit of masking tape to hold it all in place, and add a couple layers of water bottles to keep the temps stable and voila! A simple, inexpensive, but very effective incubator. I open it daily to allow a fresh air exchange and to spot check the temps with an infrared temp gun.
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4291/35776295042_86141aae7d_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/WvqS69)
Baby snakes! This is a Mystic x Spider clutch. I attempted three pairings this year, Mystic x Spider, Pinstripe x Normal, and Het Albino x Het Albino. The Mystic x Spider pairing went very well, I got two Mystic Spiders, four Mystics, and one normal. The sire, the Mystic, did a darn good job throwing six of seven Mystics, I was very happy. The only downside is that both Mystic Spiders are males, but what are you going to do. I'm keeping one of the Mystic Spiders, and one of the female Mystics. The Pinstripe x Normal failed for the second year in a row, I'm starting to think he's a dud. I know she's not. I just want a female Pinstripe darn it. The Pinstripe x Normal paring was the only paring I attempted last year, so it was a real bummer when nothing came of it. I don't think I'll try a single paring in any given season again, I like baby snakes too much to waste a whole year on a single attempt that may not work out. At least two or three a year should be good I think. The third paring this year, Het Albino x Het Albino, produced only four good eggs, one slug, and one infertile. The eggs are in the incubator even now, I really hope I hit the odds and get at least one Albino.
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4297/35137477353_a7dfe4fae6_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/VwYKR4)
The Mystic x Spider clutch in their nursery tub, just before they shed.
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4310/35137475243_beb57a8f7b_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/VwYKdF)
Mystic Spider just after his first shed. A bit camera shy it is. This little one has a date with a Lesser female when he's big enough, looking to get a shot at an Elia Ball (Mystic x Lesser x Spider).