View Full Version : unknown snake

06-22-17, 04:48 PM
I would like some input from anyone who thinks they know what kind of snake this is...I was thinking it was some kind of king snake. It was found at a friend's house right outside of Birmingham, AL. I would thing its was a lost pet since it seemed to want to be inside (reference the snake pic one the outside of the house)

06-22-17, 05:03 PM
It's a harmless rat snake. It looks dead in the last picture with how it's postured...is it?

06-22-17, 05:03 PM
I do not claim to be an expert, but to me it kind of looks like an Eastern Chain Kingsnake.

06-22-17, 05:07 PM
More specifically, it is a western rat snake, Pantherophis obsoletus.

06-22-17, 05:43 PM
Midlands Rat Snake (Pantherophis spiloides), harmless. These are great snakes to have around, they eat a lot of rodents. This is a wild animal, it was just looking for food and was confused by the glass.

Western Rat Snakes (P. obsoletus) are not found east of the Mississippi River.

06-22-17, 06:14 PM
I would never kill the snake! he is alive and well I was curious what it was . Thanks for everyone's feedback!

06-23-17, 12:43 AM
I would never kill the snake! he is alive and well I was curious what it was . Thanks for everyone's feedback!

Glad to hear he's still on the job for you. He's a good guy to have around to do mouse patrol.

We see waaaaay too many posts where someone kills a snake and then asks, "Was it dangerous?" Usually the answer is no, and even if it was there are humane alternatives like having a wildlife pro come to relocate it.

The worst was a guy who burned a tiny, helpless blind snake to death with a cigarette lighter and then posted a photo of its poor charred body asking if it was a venomous baby snake and wondering where its mother was. That made me cry. It also elicited an unusually rude response for which I have no regrets.

06-23-17, 07:19 AM
Midlands Rat Snake (Pantherophis spiloides), harmless. These are great snakes to have around, they eat a lot of rodents. This is a wild animal, it was just looking for food and was confused by the glass.

Western Rat Snakes (P. obsoletus) are not found east of the Mississippi River.

I stand corrected. :D

06-24-17, 09:42 PM
The worst was a guy who burned a tiny, helpless blind snake to death with a cigarette lighter and then posted a photo of its poor charred body asking if it was a venomous baby snake and wondering where its mother was. That made me cry. It also elicited an unusually rude response for which I have no regrets.

Ugh I remember that :mad: the snake looked like an earth worm and he killed for really no reason. I didn't comment on it because I couldn't say anything that wasn't rude.

To OP I am also glad you didn't kill this guy. Amuses me he was scaling the window