View Full Version : Ball python skin

06-22-17, 08:25 AM
Hi all I was just giving my baby ball python Monty a quick check today and I noticed he has just shed and last week I noticed he had damaged his back moving his hide around so I padded it out but I might have been too late noticing it and he now has white patches where his pattern used to be I was wondering is that permanent scaring or is that just healing? I've got a photo but it's not that great just wondering if I should rub some iodine on it or just leave it to nature?
Not sure if the photo will come out it said uploaded but there's nothing showing but fingers crossed

06-22-17, 08:59 AM
Try again photo was too large sorry

06-22-17, 10:30 AM
Is it a loss of coloration or actually damage? hard to see on the small picture.

06-22-17, 10:35 AM
Well before he shed it was a graze where he scraped his skin but it looks like loss of colour where the graze was

06-22-17, 04:24 PM
In any case you can't do anything for that now. Keep an eye on it and wait a couple of sheds. If it spreads it is probably not simple damage and may need a vet to look at it. Best to take a good quality picture and compare it to when he shed again so you notice if it extends or heals. Everything in reptile world goes slow around healing or getting sick.

Also pic is rather small :)

06-22-17, 05:05 PM
It's normal for damaged scales to go light or even white during the healing process. Definitely looks like it scraped it's back, but I can't tell if the scales are pale or if it's actually missing scales from the picture.

06-22-17, 06:32 PM
Yeah sorry about the photo that's the smallest I was allowed to go maybe I will try to get it a bit bigger and see if I can get it at least hd thank you it does look like the scaled have gone completely white I don't think it's hurting or bothering him he ate fine when I offered him food and he doesn't react when he's touched or anything I was just worried as I've never had an injured snake before and was worried that maybe I should have done something when I noticed it but he was in mid shed so I try not to disturb them too much when they're shedding
Well I couldn't get the right size on that last photo but I did take one and i think it's a bit better although I did have to shrink it again sorry if it's still bad