View Full Version : Aspen alternatives

06-20-17, 05:25 PM
I've been using the Aspen shavings for bedding. I use it for my species that come from drier climates. To me, however, I find it to be too dusty. Not to mention I'm pretty sure I'm mildly allergic to it. What would be some either dust free aspen alternatives, or a different types of bedding suited to arid climates? Thanks!

06-20-17, 06:01 PM
I use sani chips for my kingsnake, haven't had any dust issues.

Jim Smith
06-20-17, 07:25 PM
I second the vote for SaniChips. Much less dusty than Aspen and WHEN some of them get on the carpet (i.e. cleaning cages, changing water in bowls, etc.) you don't get splinters in your feet if you go barefoot around the house. Pet360 has always been the cheapest way to buy the Sanichips for me.

06-21-17, 08:15 AM
You can still use Cypress, but it will eventually dry out; or, you could use Reptibark. The problem with either of these these is that eventually they will leave "dust" behind, but nothing close to Aspen. I use Aspen in two of my cages. but when I do a full cleaning in July, they will get a mix of Cypress and Reptibark.

06-21-17, 07:01 PM
Alrighty, thanks guys. Since my cat used my bin of aspen shavings as a litter box, I thought it'd be time to inquire. Lol