View Full Version : Cage cleaning

06-04-17, 01:30 PM
So I know I've only had this guy since Thursday and he is settling (stays in the corner on the cools side) but he's already gone to the bathroom and I'd like to clean it but he strikes every time I open the cage (He's a baby so I get that and only bother him to check temps and mist the tank ). Should I wait a few more days to feed and clean him so I cause less stress?

06-04-17, 02:07 PM
No clean straight away. At least get the main deposits out and perhaps hold off on a proper scrub out a few days.

I'm forever sticking my hand in harms way picking out olive poo, they still are very strike happy but need to get it out!

06-04-17, 02:16 PM
Yea I spot cleaned and he struck like crazy. Should be a fun breaking in period. Lol