View Full Version : Do the Boa Bob

05-31-17, 09:56 PM
Hey guys!

Im not worried just curious, my boa when feeding will "smell" the rat and do a gentle head bob pause head bob and so on for about 2 minutes then strikes. Im just wondering, why? Is it that its trying to match the shaking of my hand to not miss, or maybe trying to confuse or fake out the prey? ( even though its frozen thawed)

Also after feeding he always curles up in his water dish for a bit, any reason for that or is just him being him?

As always i love hearing from you guys and gals and look forward to the next post!

05-31-17, 10:05 PM
ive had my pythons do that in the past, some didnt even strike. if he eats and is healthy I wouldn't worry

05-31-17, 10:52 PM
I feel it's probably something like cats wiggling their butts before a pounce. From excitement, or getting all their muscles in place for the strike.