View Full Version : Snake Removal Service

05-29-17, 11:33 AM
Hey gang! Fellow reptile lover here. I've been around snakes a lot in my life and had many snakes in high school and college. 20 years later I'm still a big fan even though I don't have any currently. I am married with a 6 year old and I teach her constantly about these beautiful creatures and what a bad rap they get! I have a couple neighbors that are petrified of snakes and always go to destroy them so I told them I would come get them if they agreed not to kill them. In the past two weeks I've removed two pretty good sized snakes (6' ish) - king snakes I believe which I know are great to have around.

Anyway- I live in a big neighborhood by a lake with lots of wooded areas and people are always talking about snakes on our community website. It got me thinking I might be able to provide a service to remove non-venomous snakes for a fee. Does anyone know if you need a nuisance wildlife control permit to just deal with snakes? Not really interested in doing other critters...just some part time work nearby for snakes. I would follow any normal business regulations but just wasn't sure about the permit part.

Might not be a bad idea to try and hook up with some local herping enthusiasts too to make sure I'm doing everything right. Just got a new snake hook - had been using a homemade one lately.

Any other feedback welcomed!!!

Save a snake and it's a good day :)

Jim Smith
05-30-17, 09:37 PM
I also like in a community with a smallish 50-acre lake and snakes are very common. I have become the "snake guy" and I remove/relocate snakes for my neighbors around the lake. Most of the people I've dealt with are starting to get comfortable with the kingsnakes and black rat snakes, but their main concern are copperheads which are fairly common here, so I always have my snake tongs and a 5 gallon bucket handy when I go out. I don't charge any money as I know that they will just revert to the old shovel or hoe method. I actually do it for the snakes more than the neighbors, but I don't tell them that.