View Full Version : Flaky Scales

05-28-17, 11:55 AM
I have two cornsnakes, both male, I'm moving them up to larger setups soon. Recently I noticed their scales have been flaking, not falling off, they are Smooth to the touch besides one little scale of my white corn that is a little dry. But the flaky scales dont ever fall off by just touching them, its almost like they snag them and they kinda just get damaged. The heat is normal, 75 cool side, 80 ambient and 85 to hot side. Humidity is a little high, it's about 60% today. They both recently shed, my white corn had a bad or lazy shed and I soaked him and helped get all the left over shed off. My orange corn shed fine no problems besides a little bit stuck on the tip of his tail which I got off.

Like I said, their scales aren't falling off, they just seem flaked and a little damaged. No weird dark coloration or anything, no mites, they are completely clean, I did give my white corn a bath when some kids paint got on him but I washed him well and checked if it was nontoxic.

I'm just not really sure what would be wrong, they are both lively, they eat, drink, burrow, and bask normally. My mother thinks I'm just worrying over nothing but I care about these guys. Any little thing that is out of the ordinary I'd rather check than let it get worse.

05-28-17, 12:05 PM
When did they last shed and was the shed compete and in one piece?

05-28-17, 12:33 PM
They shed in the last couples weeks, 2 weeks most, 1 week ago for my white corn. My orange corn shed in one piece except for the little tip of his tail. Which I took off. And my white corn had a lazy shed and it didn't all come off, it was a mess. I soaked him and got all the left over shed so he was fine after

05-28-17, 01:33 PM
Possibly still remnants of the poor shed?

What substrate do you keep them on?

05-28-17, 01:39 PM
No I doubt think it's a bad shed problem, both shed fine even after soaking, they were smooth and completely fine. It just flakes slightly in certain spots. I used Aspen snake bedding.

05-28-17, 01:45 PM
No I doubt think it's a bad shed problem, both shed fine even after soaking, they were smooth and completely fine. It just flakes slightly in certain spots. I used Aspen snake bedding.

How big are they and are the scales you mention on parts of the skin that fold where the snakes coil up when resting for prolonged periods?

05-28-17, 01:49 PM
They are fairly spread out, it is on the upper part of the body, it's all small flaking, nothing where a whole underbelly scale is coming off or a top scale. It's just weird how they slightly break or flake off of the normal scale. But still don't fall off.

05-28-17, 02:00 PM
Can you post some photos?

05-31-17, 01:29 AM
I'll try to get some good ones soon. I think my white corn is possibly going through early stages of scale rot, his under belly is turned like a pinkish color, and their is one dark spec on his belly. I'm going to treat him just in case but I hope it's nothing.