05-23-17, 09:57 PM
So I have a kinda special snake, he's very sweet and his name is bassy he's 2 years old and I've been keeping an eye on him and his tank and everything is where it should be but I had some questions about his behavior just because our other snake doesn't act like him and well he's different.... So he loves coming out and being held and will actually throw fits if we don't take him out enough or if we put him in his tank or even to eat, like he hates being set down he loves being held which I mean I love just every time I ever say something about him everyone always says "wow I've never heard of a snake doing that". He always loves rubbing the bottom of his head like his chin area on us when we hold him and his favorite thing to do is to play in our hair like he loves it and get's upset if I don't just let him sit on my head most of the time. When my boyfriend plays games he gets upset because he isn't paying enough attention so he'll start by going up his head and hanging down in in face like "Hi Dad!" and if that doesn't work he'll then stick his tail in my boyfriends mouth nose or wrap around his ear and try to pull his head so he looks away from the TV if that still doesn't work he slithers down to his hands and wraps around the controller so he can't play anymore and just sits happily with his head on the middle of the controller staring at my boyfriend. He doesn't like being put down anywhere and continues to try going up our arms even if it's for food and will stick his head out of the box and watch us and generally after about 30 minutes he'll go eat then sticks his head out again and if we don't get him soon enough he will try to get out on his own and then come up our leg to sit on us like he loves to be held and be on us. He throws little fits when we put him back and tries to get out of the tank if that doesn't work he stares at us and if that doesn't work he will curl up and stick his head in the log so he can't see us, if we look through the other end he gets mad and sticks his head in his coils so he can't see us but if we open the top he gets excited and tries to come out all on his own. Our other snake doesn't do any of this at all she likes to come out sometimes but would prefer to try to explore the house than to come out and be held. he's super sweet and loves people and loves to see my son who is 3 and always wants my son to hold him too and I mean it's not bad it's just slightly weird and someone asked if something was wrong with him because he does all that and I've never thought of it that way so I thought I'd ask. The only real thing I've notice different is he has t's in his eyes instead of the normal slit so they kinda open like a star would be one way to say it but that's the only thing that isn't necessarily normal I'd say.