View Full Version : Question for Big Mike

Greg West
02-28-03, 12:23 PM
Hey Mike

Quick question for you. Is there a way to print out the rendered drawing such as the one I posted straight from Autocadd and still keep the surfaces such as the glass and the wood? I have had to hit print screen and crop what I dont want and save it as a jpeg. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I want to be able to print them out, but if I do print screen it only saves it at 72 dpi and nothing higher


Big Mike
02-28-03, 01:09 PM

I'll have to check it out. I think the best way may be to "render to file" and then print that file with what ever image software you have that is good for printing pics.


Big Mike
02-28-03, 01:33 PM
You can also render to the render window and print from there. I tried it and it does print the image as shown in the render window but there was very little as far as options or setting for printing.

I guess if you really wanted to print the image with the plot command you could render to file and then insert the pic as a raster image...I just tried that and the image quality was not very good.

I have been trying to insert it back in as an OLE object but it just crashed my Autocad.

I'm sure there are some 3rd party software programs for this...3D viz...or Studio Max or something like that.

I would just print from another program.

That's all I can think of right now.


Greg West
02-28-03, 03:17 PM
Thanks Mike. I didn't know how to render to file, but figured it out. Personally I think that Print Screen looks better now that I know how to do it. Thanks for the help.
