View Full Version : Question on behaviour of my Boa

05-17-17, 09:48 AM
I noticed that my new albino het boa that I got 2 days ago hasn't been using the inside of his warm hide.
Also he would every so often go to the cool corner of the tank and curling up for a bit.

Should I worry for its health?

05-17-17, 12:43 PM
No you should not, be sure you give it enough privacy to settle in though. Lurking outside the tank checking up on it constantly doesn't allow it to properly settle in. :)

05-17-17, 01:24 PM
My girl spends a lot of time at the cooler end. She's 20mo and in excellent health.

Snakes are pretty good at knowing what they need :)

05-17-17, 07:49 PM
maybe get two of the same hides on each side. some say if there's two different she might pick a favorite cuz it's more safe or just cause. so than she'll go to it even if she wants to be the opposite temp. i have identical hides on hot/cold side and she moves around freely in both

05-17-17, 08:10 PM
Don't worry about it, I have a boa that uses her hot hide regularly and another who pretty much spends all of his time at the cool end of the enclosure. What are your temps?