View Full Version : Rush Job - Thermostats

05-16-17, 01:12 PM
So, I'm looking on acquiring a new charge...or two...but waiting for Herpstat thermostats is a bit painful.

In the interim, I've been looking at some "simple" thermostats that I can get shipped more quickly, and eventually sell or use for emergency purposes if the Herpstats ever fail.

Of the three brands below, which would you recommend:

BAH-1000DC Reptile Thermostat With DC Chip Technology (http://www.bigappleherp.com/BAH-1000-Thermostat?sc=2&category=15)
Hydro Farm Jump Start Digital Temperature Controller for Heat Mats (MTPRTC) (https://www.hydrofarm.com/p/MTPRTC)
Vivarium Electronics VE-Hobby Stat (https://www.lllreptile.com/products/28154-vivarium-electronics-vehobby-stat)

EL Ziggy
05-16-17, 03:24 PM
I've used Hydrofarm t-stats for years. They're inexpensive but reliable.

05-16-17, 05:22 PM
I have 2 of the Hydrofarm t-stats and one works fairly well, the other is awfully questionable...I have it set at around 74-75 and it reads way up in the 90's...I'll drop it down to the lowest setting, still gives me an inaccurate reading. I've been to 5 different petstores looking for one of these https://www.milehighreptile.com/store/p117/ZILLA_1000W_Temperature_Controller.html as I have 2 others that work well, and finally found one today -.- I will try the other Hydrofarm again but I really don't think that one is working properly.

The one with "DC chip technology" looks similar to the ones I use? And I haven't seen the other

05-16-17, 05:46 PM
I have one of the Zillas...has 20deg temperature swings, 85F-65F, too broad of a swing to use. I won't use another one.

I have 2 of the Hydrofarm t-stats and one works fairly well, the other is awfully questionable...I have it set at around 74-75 and it reads way up in the 90's...I'll drop it down to the lowest setting, still gives me an inaccurate reading. I've been to 5 different petstores looking for one of these https://www.milehighreptile.com/store/p117/ZILLA_1000W_Temperature_Controller.html as I have 2 others that work well, and finally found one today -.- I will try the other Hydrofarm again but I really don't think that one is working properly.

The one with "DC chip technology" looks similar to the ones I use? And I haven't seen the other

05-16-17, 06:11 PM
Yeah...that's the same problem I'm having with the one Hydrofarm =/

05-16-17, 06:12 PM
Sounds like a bad unit in each instance I guess.

Yeah...that's the same problem I'm having with the one Hydrofarm =/