View Full Version : How many small mice for 4 Month old Retic?

05-12-17, 03:53 AM
Just got a 4 month old Reticulated Python, Male, 3ft.

I have small mice in stock and small rat wieners.

Rat wieners look a bit big and mice look a bit small.

I am feeding every Saturday night (so only once every 7 days); how many small mice, 2 or 3?



dave himself
05-12-17, 06:53 AM
I'd go with the rats

05-12-17, 07:19 AM
Yes, start feeding rats now, not later, or you may end up with a snake that won't take rats.

Scent the rats if you have to, if refused, by warming the rats up with some mice in the same bag. Eventually you can stop wasting the mice, but you might have to waste a few (only if rat refused w/o scenting).

The other thing to do, if the rat is refused, and you don't want to waste mice...wait longer between feedings so the snake is VERY hungry and will eat anything in front of its face. Eventually it will get used to the rats and feed normally.

Of course, caviar, Steak Diane, a glass of Rothschild Cabernet, and some Crème Brûlée to finish it off might be acceptable as well! :rolleyes:

Just got a 4 month old Reticulated Python, Male, 3ft.

I have small mice in stock and small rat wieners.

Rat wieners look a bit big and mice look a bit small.

I am feeding every Saturday night (so only once every 7 days); how many small mice, 2 or 3?



05-12-17, 07:48 AM
Better off feeding one larger meal than multiple small ones. If you don't want to waste the mice try 2 at first and judge from there. I wouldn't worry about him refusing rats, he is a retic after all and from what I've seen they'll eat anything lol

05-15-17, 02:57 AM
Thanks for all the replies guys!

05-15-17, 03:33 PM
Weaned rats at 3' sounds fine to me, retics are one of the few snakes I don't mind feeding larger meals to.

05-16-17, 03:13 AM
Weaned Rats being Weiner Rats?

05-16-17, 06:37 AM
Weiner rats is the misspelled name for weaned rats (Weaned, = A mammal taking to other food than its mothers milk)

05-16-17, 06:58 AM
OK, that makes sense. Thank You

05-21-17, 09:25 AM
retics are machines..at 4 months they should be on rats..and will quickly start putting on weight and growth