View Full Version : do you think......

02-27-03, 11:27 PM
Do you think a room size enclosure is nesasary and safe for larg burms and retics.

I want to know why some ppl say or think that a burm or retic absolutly need a Room size enclosure.

I belive that a anaconda is the only one that MAY need a room size enclosure because it needs a pool to live in but even at that the anaconda I worked was in a 4 X 4 X 8 with a water bowl and was sprayed 3 times a day for 5-10 min and she ate like a pig and she was a big baby.

But I think it would do fine with a pool and a 4 foot high enclosure built around it.

witch of you agree or disagree with me
Chondro Python

02-27-03, 11:33 PM
well i belive that no matter what you should do the best you can do to make you cage for them closest to their living enviroment, so if you can only do 4x4x8 thats great (wouldn't go smaller for anaconda) if you have the extra cash and space go for it, but i don't belive it is a nessisary...and if you do give them a whole room..i would sugest big branches along sides so he doesn't need to climb walls with nothing to lean on for stability...

02-28-03, 07:25 AM
I would say that it depends. I would prefer a smaller (8x4x3) enclosure that has perfect humidity and temperatures over a larger enclosure where temps and humidiy swing wildly.

People tend to focus too much on size (size isnt everything lol), but it is useless if you fail to provide adequate heat etc. or if a larger cage leads to less frequent cleanups.

Also, making a room into an enclosure can be tricky. Vents etc need to be adequately covered, electrical outlets removed/blocked off and so on. If you look around in the giant forum, I remember seeing pictures of someone who did a great job converting a room into a snake enclosure. She/He put linoleum on the floor, installed a space heater and sealed off plumbing.

Just my 2 Canadian cents.

02-28-03, 03:53 PM
OK, now picture a 8x4x4 enclosure....

And now picture a 20' conda or burm in it.

Not much room for the snake to move around in, let alone put in a large tub of water.

A room of about 8x8 would be better than a cage of that size. Now a smaller size of one of these I can see putting in a cage, but when they get over a certain length and weight, it is extremely difficult to remove a snake of this size from a cage. And it doesn't matter where the cage is located, on the floor or raised off the floor.

Go to a zoo and you will see that the habitat they keep their giant snakes in is way bigger than 8x4x4. That is an ideal habitat to keep these in, but most people cannot afford that, or even have the space for that type. So we make due with what we have, which would be a room all to itself.

03-01-03, 05:54 PM
In the wild they have the whole jungle to roam, a room sized enclosure is a far cry from that. But one thing a room sized enclosure does have that a small cage doesn't is the ability to have some decent temperature zones, keeping the humidity up shouldn't be a problem with humidifiers and or a waterfall. the possibilities for making the enclosure are endless, you can even have a tree.

03-16-03, 05:17 PM
I would not think so, the bigger the better for Burms and Retics.