View Full Version : Finally! Patience pays off!

04-26-17, 12:51 PM
Here is my lead up to this. 1975, Collier's Encyclopedia. The section on snakes. Some very colorful paintings of reptiles. That's where I first saw one.
Then, 1977, Roger Conant's A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern and Central North America... I saw it again. So sleek and black. And that red throat. How could I get one? Well, they're pretty much in Florida, and I was in Tulsa, OK, and like 12 years old... so probably not going to happen. Over the years, I have continued to dream of this snake. But with the prospect of the permit from FWS, I figured it was too complicated and just out of reach. Until, I actually started talking to Drymarchon owners. So, last December, I submitted an application, and after 2 months, I was approved for a male and female. Now the hitch. We were in the process of moving, so I had to ask the owner if it was possible to hold for a couple of months until the move was completed. Graciously, that was not a problem. And today, after 42 years of dreaming, my "bucket list" snakes have become a reality.
So, with that, I give you Chloe and Brutus... My Eastern Indigo snakes. Very quick iPhone pics right after the unboxing. I had to get to work. I am so excited. Chloe is a 2014 and Brutus is a 2016 hatch. I can't wait to see them grow.

04-26-17, 01:19 PM
Bad *** Matt!

Should re-name them Sid and Nancy.

04-26-17, 02:46 PM
Awesome snakes! Congrats on filling the "bucket". Can't wait to see more pictures as they grow.

04-26-17, 03:15 PM
Nice... I had a chance to buy one of these a few months back for $800.oo... Well it wasn't much of a chance... It was either a snake; or keep the wife and eat that month... :hmm:

Tiny Boidae
04-26-17, 03:54 PM
Gorgeous little buggers. I also have fond memories with that particular field guide and in fact still have a copy somewhere. Enjoy those critters though. Congrats on finally getting them.

EL Ziggy
04-26-17, 04:24 PM
Hat's off to you sir! Eastern Indigos and Albino Olives are the Holy Grails of snakes imo. Excellent additions Matt.

04-26-17, 06:39 PM
Congratulations MDT! You can count me among the many jealous. I hope I'm within a few years of getting my hands on these ultimate Colubrids myself. Maybe about the time you have little ones available, eh?

04-26-17, 07:10 PM
Congratulations man they are stunning. Can't wait to see the cages you get for these dreams.

04-27-17, 12:55 AM

Gorgeous babes. I look forward to one myself some day. Perhaps one produced by you. =)

Congrats. Super looking forward to updates of these stunners!

dave himself
04-27-17, 01:37 AM
They're fantastic :Wow:, congratulations on your new pick ups

Albert Clark
04-27-17, 05:59 AM
Congrats! Yep! The amazing Eastern indigo is the ultimate addition. Enjoy.

04-27-17, 08:49 AM
Sweet, Matt! Great additions there.

04-27-17, 09:08 AM
Now I'M jealous! You have two! No fair!

Congrats, man! They're beautiful. I know you'll love them. And, your lifelong dream and encyclopedia story sounds almost identical to mine.

04-27-17, 07:07 PM
Thanks for the kind words all. Definitely a milestone for me. Anxious to see how temperaments develop as they grow. Any hopes of breeding about 3-4 years away. For now, I just get to enjoy them!

04-29-17, 01:10 PM
Beautiful. Great acquisition - never seen them for sale in the uk...

05-02-17, 04:12 AM
Little late in my reply but damn these are Amazing!!! I'll be looking forward to updates on these 2!

05-04-17, 03:20 AM
Nice... I had a chance to buy one of these a few months back for $800.oo... Well it wasn't much of a chance... It was either a snake; or keep the wife and eat that month... :hmm:

And you chose wife and food? What's wrong with you man?!