View Full Version : Didnt shed her head..

02-27-03, 09:40 PM
My BP Kahlan shed today, everything perfect except for her head, shes in a humid hide now and doesnt seem too worried about it, I just found it odd and wondered if there was anything I should be doing to help her out

02-27-03, 09:48 PM
My burm had the same problem last week and worked it out on his own--he loosened it himself and came out of his hide as if seeking help in the final removal of the head and neck. Quick peel (making sure eyes come off) and done!

02-27-03, 10:06 PM
You could moisten a rough towel and let her slither through it, this loosens and removes any shed left on the snake. If the eye caps did not come off you could put a dab of mineral oil on them to loosen them and remaove them as well, but they usually come off in the next shed anyways.

02-28-03, 12:34 PM
She managed to get everything off (including eyecaps) by herself, except for a tiny little spot on her nose. Not going to worry too much about that, it will probably come off while shes eating or something :)

02-28-03, 01:25 PM
another good thing to do when they start to shed is to allow them to soak in a shoe box that is filled with enough warm water to come about half way up the body. make sure there are air holes in the shoe box...this is a tip I got from pro exotics so I take it to be good and has worked well for me!