View Full Version : Meet Oxossi! (B.c.longicauda)

04-21-17, 05:26 PM
I just picked this guy up from LLL Reptiles! He comes from Orphiological Society so he's Bassette line. He's about 2 months old and I have a '16 female waiting to come home to pair him up with later. I've stuck with the God naming theme and picked Oxossi for him [like Oh-schos-see or oh-show-see to make it easier]. Oxossi is the God of the Hunt and Justice in Candomble which is based off of Yoruba stuff. In otherwords, he's the Brazilian version of an African god. And I used that same religion to name my rainbow Xango.

I love this guy already! He's 143g. He appears to be missing a couple of scales on the left side of his head but I'm not worried about them, it doesn't look like it's caused by an injury or scale rot or anything to worry about. These guys change dramatically as they age and I can't wait!

https://scontent-lax3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/18058068_1309436889091343_4208860558169703389_n.jp g?oh=2c6ae5d83bb7d81a25ade1c7429ecf77&oe=597962C7

https://scontent-lax3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p370x247/18034222_10212939055536233_5693045120530058968_n.j pg?oh=7bf3f4fba9f54d6d52394a52a12568f3&oe=59924C6F

https://scontent-lax3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/17952527_10212939055776239_6623056817960090395_n.j pg?oh=2d469760267a639f981e9144ecad5fe6&oe=5984CE4E

That tail is gorgeous!
https://scontent-lax3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/18034354_10212939055976244_1947792166450387536_n.j pg?oh=467c5750787a572f492b8ddd6b89c5e2&oe=598D90CE

Missing head scales?
https://scontent-lax3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/18034237_10212939762833915_8323157098174565418_n.j pg?oh=d3a5d6729c5a42189a505e078ae8d878&oe=597B2C7F

04-21-17, 06:20 PM
Nice!! But isn't that the right side of its head, your left? :confused:

04-21-17, 06:36 PM
Beautiful, I like his pattern and colour. Be interesting to see how he ages, his pattern looks a lot like my boa with a different colouration.

04-21-17, 11:42 PM
Ooo nice Boa. Love longicauda another slightly more unusual species to the growing list of slightly unusual species owner by ssnakess members :)

If you don't know if you know the history of how longicauda but if you don't - read up on it. Its quite amusing ;)

04-22-17, 01:20 AM
Very nice new addition there
I have a pair of longicauda that I brought before Christmas and I love them, the female is a fair bit bigger than my male but he is a lot darker than her already can't wait to see them change as they get older

04-22-17, 01:50 AM
Scuba; Oops. ;_; I'm lacking some serious sleep here. You are totally correct. Although I did find a scabby spot on his other side of his neck to make up for my mistake.

Trailblazer; Thank you! From your sig I see yours is a BCI and I've noticed a lot of BCLs looking pretty different so he probably does. He should get yellow and black with grey sides like the ones pictured below!

Danny: Thanks! The history you're talking about, is it just the basic history of them coming into the states or did I miss something? Hah I've read a big on them and I'm good friends with a breeder who got me hooked on them by talking about them so I think I know what you're referring to but I'm not positive if it's the same thing.

Richard: They're gorgeous! Those are German, I can't remember the name but Stiekle? Something like that. Right? They have the zeros I believe. They have stunning BCLs.

04-22-17, 01:52 AM
Youtube video (https://youtu.be/06XdRAClN-c)

And I forgot to add the link to a video I took! I think he's got some stuck shed on his nose that I'll have to get off after he acclimates.

04-22-17, 05:29 AM
@lefitte - I'm talking specifically about the history of why they're called longicauda ;)

04-23-17, 05:12 AM
No? I thought they were named that because they had sligjtly longer length between cloaca and tail tip? I read stuff on the initial findings but that's all I found? Do share! I feel like there's a joke here.

I got a good picture of his nose and he definitely looksnlike he has stuck shed but the forum wont let me upload because the file is too large (it's even cropped!). I'll have to post it later. I've never had to deal with stuck shed, especially not on a face. What's the best way to help it come off without stressing him too much? I accidentally sprayed down his cage too much the first day so I'm having trouble bringing the humidity down at the moment so he's fine in that area. I dont need to raise humidity to help his shed at least.

Also I must admit that I am the worse paranoid snake mom haha. I'm not used to boa constrictors and I noticed him looking up a lot. I know about stargazing and ibd and was worried he had slight neurological problems. I think I've ruled that he's just curious. He has full control of his head (and mostly body though sometimes that back end flops off the cool human arm branch). He also puts his head down just fine, he just likes to look up at things sometimes. His air holes are also at the top of his bin so I think the first few hours he was smelling the air through them. Tonight I did a test with him on the floor and tried flipping him over to see what he did and his head stayed so upright that it was hard to really accomplish that haha. I'm no longer worried. I did take video of the flipping over if anyone is curious or wants to confirm everything's fine.

04-23-17, 08:16 AM
They have much longer hemipenes than other boa constrictors and that is what first caught the eye of the people that discovered it. Tail in the UK is young schooloy slang for *****. As luck would have it it also has a longer tail also so they could cover their tracks a little...

04-24-17, 02:55 AM
Bahahahaaha I see! What I read was more scientific talk ao they didn't quite put it that way. That's hilarious.

Speaking of which, I'm going to get his sex double checked just in case. I only know how to (I cant remember the term) check with my thumb and index on either side of his body. I did this with my male rainbow and he was like textbook perfect with a little pop feel shortly after the cloaca. I dont feel anything after the cloaca on this guy but theres a noticeable bumb at his cloaca instead. Also his spine pops when I do it and it freaks me out that I'm pulling or pushing too hard on him buuut since I'll be breeding I need to know absolutely on gender or I'll waste 5 yeara growing him up to pair and then be unable to pair. Very little doubt he's a boy though. LLL was charging more for girls so wrongly sexing a baby would mean a loss of profit for them and business dont like that. I also triple checked gender with them and they reassured me several times but I have a friend who's supposed to check my hognose anyway so I might as well have him do both and maybe I can learn something as well!

04-25-17, 03:36 PM
Finally got a chance to hop online and add more pictures!

https://scontent-dft4-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p206x206/17990822_10212949714922711_5110192028808022460_n.j pg?oh=375b0ea2275fe8fc98a71a7df2e3b58c&oe=598EE350

https://scontent-dft4-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p206x206/18056979_10212949715402723_4962079995849674009_n.j pg?oh=267c36278578c6e2301436ffef4427e8&oe=5991013E

https://scontent-dft4-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/18118502_10212959955458718_1880427799514202791_n.j pg?oh=a49364a748f39aa705af06e98837e7e6&oe=5982CB69

You can see the shed stuck on his nose in this one.
https://scontent-dft4-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p206x206/18034114_10212959955178711_2445534285275742239_n.j pg?oh=51a74d305be0fb77fb6325653c7c326c&oe=59759698

I got him a bigger tub and spelled out his name in the air holes on one side.
https://scontent-dft4-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/q84/p206x206/18056856_10212963163898927_3112852636241416421_n.j pg?oh=0ed98f2c635bb6d3014f1b9380fe7026&oe=59C246C0

His new tub. His other one maybe half the floor space of this one. All his decor is a mix of things my others weren't currently using that have been cleaned and sterilized.
https://scontent-dft4-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/18118447_10212963373384164_1367845527813599603_n.j pg?oh=9a95ae18301e72db1e24d5dc29067c8f&oe=5974C81C

I tried to feed him last night, just a fuzzy mouse, but he wanted nothing to do with it so it went to my king [aka garbage disposal]. I thought it might be too soon so we'll try again next Monday.

04-30-17, 04:11 AM
It's been a week since the cage upgrade and the past two days he's really showed signs of not being so scared and exploring so I decided to take him out. I'll be feeding tomorrow or Monday and then going on a trip from Thursday through Sunday so I likely won't even get to hold him again before next week. Maybe once quickly Wednesday night to check on him.

He gave me two little sneezes but since he has shed stuck on his nose, I'm not too worried about it.

Face and a little rainbow! That shed bothers him so he seems to rub his face, I think that's why his nose is against my hand.
https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p370x247/18194078_10213024612875113_6529389244069315936_n.j pg?oh=e025e95d8ce70699eabd181d1bc13027&oe=59872418

https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/18193838_10213024616315199_5861932203559199822_n.j pg?oh=f64058d13ccf32853641c5cfcea4a5a2&oe=598A8BD5

Little tiny baby.
https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/18157963_10213024613675133_5068442456003365505_n.j pg?oh=062d368b2e7facade7d552bf0454a89c&oe=59BFAE6C

04-30-17, 07:12 AM
He's prob teething and is looking for a place to chew on! :rolleyes:

It's been a week since the cage upgrade and the past two days he's really showed signs of not being so scared and exploring so I decided to take him out. I'll be feeding tomorrow or Monday and then going on a trip from Thursday through Sunday so I likely won't even get to hold him again before next week. Maybe once quickly Wednesday night to check on him.

He gave me two little sneezes but since he has shed stuck on his nose, I'm not too worried about it.

Face and a little rainbow! That shed bothers him so he seems to rub his face, I think that's why his nose is against my hand.

04-30-17, 12:37 PM
He's prob teething and is looking for a place to chew on! :rolleyes:

It's funny you say this because this happens VERY often with a lot of different species, boas included..not that this is what he's doing. :)

Very nice BCL

04-30-17, 04:28 PM
Bahahaha. He didn't even try to open his mouth or even really rub against me. I am a little worried about the possibility of RI. I posted a picture on the general board of his open mouth. It looks normal to me aside from a couple of little dots? I'm not experienced enough to really know if that's normal.