View Full Version : If this was your cage...

04-16-17, 07:14 PM
If this was your cage, what would you keep in it?

I recently adopted out the GTP I had been keeping in it and I am looking for a new challenge. I am interested in what other species I could keep in this cage? I am open to anything. I have been keeping reptiles for 30 plus years and have a ton of experience. So I am literally open to anything except venomous species. I am also open to modifications to fit a certain species.

It's a 28"x28"x48" custom acrylic on a custom stand. It has a built in misting system, ceramic heat on a thermostat and a ventilation fan also working off of that thermostat.



04-16-17, 07:39 PM
A vine snake would be a cool addition, amazon tree boa, chameleons.

04-16-17, 07:45 PM
My ex-wives... :rolleyes:

A vine snake would be a cool addition, amazon tree boa, chameleons.

04-16-17, 07:52 PM
I had thought about a pair of Panther chameleons , but I worried that the ventilation would not be enough for that species. Most keepers I know keep them in open air cages for mass air flow. This cage is more balanced to hold heat and humidty in.

Tiny Boidae
04-16-17, 08:06 PM
Have you maybe considered red-tailed rat snakes? I personally have no experience with the species, but it seems like an attractive choice for the cage. I know it's what I would put in there ;)

04-16-17, 08:07 PM
Without a doubt a Jungle Carpet Python... I just love my guy and that would be a great cage for a JCP... :yes: He would need some hiding places...

04-16-17, 08:12 PM
I did research red tailed rats in the past for the cage but the overall thought was they would get to long to live comfortably in the cage for life. I did consider a jungle carpet and even a irian jaya. I kept and bred both a long time ago. My irians were almost all completely arboreal while the jungles never used their vertical branches. I also had a Madagascar tree boa (like 20 years ago). One of the coolest arboreal snakes I ever had the pleasure to work with. Puppy tame and looked like it crawled out the prehistoric past.

04-17-17, 03:50 AM
ATB for sure.-awesome creatures. A vine snake or red tail rat needs much more horizontal room-they're both pretty active snakes.

May be an IJ carpet but personally I'd want at least 3' in one of the horizontal dimensions. Agree re them being pretty arboreal by nature but would still want a bit more width.

04-18-17, 12:25 AM
Decent size enclosure for a Dominican mountain boa. They're semi-arboreal, and given the option seldom spend much time on the substrate. Much better disposition than a GTP, lol.

04-18-17, 05:22 AM
Thanks! I will give the Dominican mountain boa a look over. I am also considering cat eyed snakes, green bush rat snakes and a couple others. It's sort of a specialty cage and the tall size really limits me. It's a shame really. Such a nice cage with little options.

Jim Smith
04-18-17, 07:56 AM
If you're open to other animals, there are some very interesting and beautiful exotic frogs that would do well in that cage as well. Just a thought...

04-18-17, 08:12 AM
Do tell Jim, I am open to anything (within financial reason). I have also learned due to the air intake and good air exchange, chameleons are not out of the question either.

I am not looking to breed. I just want a family pet/center piece for the living room where the cage currently resides. I would prefer something that is more interactive that would permit handling (albeit not a lot). I already have an adult pair of Olive pythons and a pair of sulcata tortoises for more intense hang out sessions, lol.

04-18-17, 10:28 AM
Paradise flying snakes
Rough or smooth green snakes (Can tolerate some handling but rather quick and flightly, also insect eaters!)
Cat eye snakes (although rear fanged)

Frog wise:

Monkey tree frogs are the first to come to mind (small, small amounts of handling)
Red eye tree frogs (but no handling)
Various gecko species

04-18-17, 10:29 AM
Lots of things I don't think about so can't name off the top of my head because I don't want to spend the money on that type of setup or the effort to build one in order to achieve those conditions.

04-18-17, 11:17 AM
I'd keep Calote Tree Dragons in that. I absolutely love their coloring. As far as snakes go however, it'd definitely be an Amazon Tree Boa

04-18-17, 12:46 PM
Decent size enclosure for a Dominican mountain boa. They're semi-arboreal, and given the option seldom spend much time on the substrate. Much better disposition than a GTP, lol.

Great choice. I forgot you keep these. A final bucket list snake for me and so hard to find in the UK...

04-18-17, 09:52 PM
I'd do a smaller arboreal viper.

04-19-17, 12:19 AM
I have a couple dozen 2016 baby Dominicans needing homes, so naturally I recommend them for a suitable sized enclosure, lol. I have a very young pair of green bush rats as well. Very vibrantly colored, but terribly flighty when handled. My climocophora are much easier to handle than the prasina, but the Dominicans are just great for handling regardless of size or age IME. Personally I prefer snakes that are calm about being picked up and handled even if only briefly.

04-19-17, 01:20 PM
I have a couple dozen 2016 baby Dominicans needing homes, so naturally I recommend them for a suitable sized enclosure, lol. I have a very young pair of green bush rats as well. Very vibrantly colored, but terribly flighty when handled. My climocophora are much easier to handle than the prasina, but the Dominicans are just great for handling regardless of size or age IME. Personally I prefer snakes that are calm about being picked up and handled even if only briefly.


Such bad *** rat snakes

04-20-17, 01:06 AM

Such bad *** rat snakes

Ya, I got a pair of 2016's shipped down from Maine last February during an unseasonably warm spell. They're doing very well, feeding on small fuzzy mice, but seldom seen outside of their hides and quite flighty when handled. I have a few pix from my cell phone:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/toddnbecka/Snakes/WP_20170329_13_54_39_Pro_zpsphh0rm66.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/toddnbecka/media/Snakes/WP_20170329_13_54_39_Pro_zpsphh0rm66.jpg.html)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/toddnbecka/Snakes/WP_20170329_13_54_45_Pro_zpsw7242qdp.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/toddnbecka/media/Snakes/WP_20170329_13_54_45_Pro_zpsw7242qdp.jpg.html)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/toddnbecka/Snakes/WP_20170402_22_40_27_Pro_zpstvbe8hsz.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/toddnbecka/media/Snakes/WP_20170402_22_40_27_Pro_zpstvbe8hsz.jpg.html)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/toddnbecka/Snakes/WP_20170402_22_40_30_Pro_zps6pdubdbv.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/toddnbecka/media/Snakes/WP_20170402_22_40_30_Pro_zps6pdubdbv.jpg.html)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/toddnbecka/Snakes/WP_20170402_22_40_34_Pro_zpsn8drrtir.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/toddnbecka/media/Snakes/WP_20170402_22_40_34_Pro_zpsn8drrtir.jpg.html)

dave himself
04-20-17, 07:35 AM
Asian vine snakes are cool, I was lucky enough to see one in the flesh a few weeks back. Their eyes are amazing, very alien looking. Or as SWDK said some type of small tree viper

04-20-17, 08:16 AM
Small update. I took the day off and made some much needed changes to the enclosure. I plan on a tree boa or a chameleon of some kind. I had issues with the cage not having a drain for the misting system and the fact that its flat on the bottom. Running the mister as much as I did for the GTP, there would be standing water on the bottom and soak the cypress. So today I made some modifications (my sons idea, he's only 14).

We used corrugated plastic to make a gradual but barely noticeable slope to the front. Then in the front we used the same material to make a bowl shape. In the middle of that there is a drain. That drains into a bucket underneath the cage next to the mister bucket. So now I can run it how ever much I need and it goes through the substrate (probably sphagnum moss) and makes it way to the front and down the drain. I still need to add a drain cover. It will also make cleaning the cage much easier. The pics are rough and I literally just finished caulking it so its still curing. I ran tests and it worked flawlessly. I am pretty siked about it. I do plan on adding either black paint or some edging to hide the unsightliness around the edges.


