View Full Version : The illusive Moonglow

04-12-17, 01:26 PM
Hey guys, I know moons a pretty rare but there is like none, anywhere. Any one know a place that sells, or could have them in stock?

04-13-17, 12:16 AM
Jason Raimondi (jasons exotic reptiles) just hatched two, idk if there hold backs or if he will sell them

04-13-17, 11:51 AM
I saw the pic on Instagram last night and was drooling...I would love to have a snake like that some day!

Tiny Boidae
04-13-17, 12:19 PM
A quick Google search produced this:

Kingsnake.com Classifieds: 2016 female moonglow motley (http://market.kingsnake.com/detail.php?cat=8&de=1173987)


And this guy has some hets.

serpentexotics (http://www.serpentexotics.com/available_-_disponibilite_full.html)

Also, underground doesn't have them in stock but they're in the catalogue so that'd be something I'd watch. Good luck finding one! Gorgeous animals.