View Full Version : Reptile pit update

04-09-17, 09:47 AM
Hey everyone

My old thread is locked so started a new one. This is the current layout of my reptile pit. New LED lighting for my kingsnake courtesy of a talented co worker. My leds from cage maker both broke, not impressed with the quality of the construction. Anyway this is what worked for me at the moment, the newly acquired 4x2x2 will be my Onos final home when she is ready. Depending how my up coming retic grows it might end up being a stepping stone from the 2x2x1 pictured. That cage will be moved to a different level of the house until I think it's safe to move him down. With a small home and central heating only so much "isolation" can be done. I'll most likely move around a few cages when that happens. Probably through Mushus cage (top PVC) onto the the wood cage.

It's really early for such a large cage but after weighing buying PVC vs building I then out of curiosity looked online local classifieds to see what people were selling and found this one already wired for 2 sockets, my 150w CHE can hit 100f on the floor so I will be okay with that keeping my carpet happy. I've asked my co worker to see if he can make a cage for it and probably the light while will end up being and LED A19 anyway.

http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd120/scottwaslenko/20170409_112931.jpg (http://s225.photobucket.com/user/scottwaslenko/media/20170409_112931.jpg.html)

Rough mock up of carpet/retic stepping stone cage. No 3d background etc. These are the only branches I have at the moment to play around with, I'd likely add or change stuff when the time comes. I have plenty of time to screw around with the layout, the top of the cage is higher then the opening so that cork bark platform top left has approx 4" of space which will make a a great lounge and during a quick trial run is in the 80s when hot side is 95-100. Not a proper test I was just curious what a 150w plugged in would do in a cage this size heating wise. The heat rising to that area will mean it will be dimly lit due to location but plenty warm as well. The cork bark on the right is a large hide with 3 entrances. Observing my Onos behaviour in her current cage she is more visible with no harsh bright plant lighting so her final cage will be fake only with a LED used for maintenance only. Possibly put it on a dimmer or use room lighting. The CFL I'm using is just for my own ease playing around. It will be very dark in the top left without a light so make a good secure area to be.

http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd120/scottwaslenko/20170408_100048.jpg (http://s225.photobucket.com/user/scottwaslenko/media/20170408_100048.jpg.html)

EL Ziggy
04-09-17, 11:01 AM
Nice setup Blaze!

04-09-17, 11:09 AM
Nice. Very nice. I can't wait to set my reptile rooms up when this house move finally goes through. Am going to have a go at building some vivs whilst I'm at it.

04-09-17, 02:09 PM
What materials dod you use for the viv?

04-09-17, 06:16 PM
I didn't build the wooden one, bought it that way. The black is a veneer coated wood like cheap cabinetry. Glue and sawdust and heavy as heck. But has 2 sockets wired and heavy glass doors. I couldn't build something for even what I paid so had to make a move.