View Full Version : Hello Everyone!

04-06-17, 10:05 AM
I just found this awesome Forum a few days ago and after consideration thought "why not!" and joined!

My name is Dawn, and me and my family have always been very open, Nature and Animal-loving people, and as life continued on that has not changed one bit. We've always had pets of all kinds, from our feathered friends, to furry four-legged babies, to little scaleys~ !
I myself have always had rats as pets, believe it or not. I adore them, and for quite a few years now they have been my main personal pet that I take care of and love on my own! Recently though thanks to my brother, I have moved from rats, to snakes.

To be frank on this: My little brother is most certainly the cause. He tried his luck at Ball Pythons, and though the poor things did not last long cause of missinformation (Bad luck with PetStores-- Hence I got mine from a Reptile Expo/Breeder with plenty of research) I can definitely say I handled them more than he did, and loved every moment!

Now that I am more steady on my feet I have finally jumped that hurdle and gotten myself my own first pet snake!
And, because of circumstances, I am getting another! (The first one wound up being my Dad's pet instead of mine, but the giant bugger still lives in my room with me XD)

I look forward to hanging out on this Forum and sharing experiences with all of you about or pet scaleys!

04-06-17, 01:02 PM
Welcome to sSNAKEs! :)

04-06-17, 01:55 PM
Thank you!

dave himself
04-06-17, 02:38 PM
Hi and welcome :)

04-06-17, 06:05 PM
Thank you~ I look forward to participating in this Forum-- it's really organized and has lots of topics everyone can engage in!

04-06-17, 06:25 PM
Howdy Dawn...

04-06-17, 06:26 PM
Something hilarious just happened regarding this sight and I'm not even mad. I'm just sitting here snickering.
Email got sent, and apparently according to said email, I am a male named "Dave" not a female named Dawn.

I am snickering so hard. XD

Doug 351
04-07-17, 12:32 AM
You must be so cold hearted. You take up a hobby where you feed your favorite pets to other critters.

I'm just kidding...I used to have a pet rat as a kid, and I feel a little bad every time I feed live ones to my snake.

I used to raise mice, (fancies) and some became pets, but most were just snake food. Funny, some of the best pets were the ones my snake wouldn't eat. I think they could have lived together....just weird.

04-07-17, 06:59 AM
Haha wow that is awesome! I have heard that happening before to people who raised their own rats/mice for their snakes, where they grew attached to a few and made them actual pets.

Qizil-- and my Rosy when I get her-- with be eating f/t so there is no problem for me. My ideal on it is that yea, I feel bad cause they little guys use to be alive, but my scaley babies need to eat too. At least giving them f/t is ab it easier on me than feeding live. I could never get myself to do that after having pet rats for so long. X'3

I do admit that Qizil is currently terrified of my last surviving pet rat of the group I got-- my all black and white chested/footed boy Scout.
It is understandable, since he has only ever eaten f/t, and has never really seen a live rat before, but his "freeze up and act like a statue so it doesn't know I'm here" or "OH GOT IT MOVED RUN AWAY" sudden spazz attacks are both very strange, and hilarious to me.

More specifically, when he freezes and turns into a snake-statue when he spots Scout in his cage, then immediately whips around and bolts away when said rat starts moving. It's so strange but so hilarious.