View Full Version : Jampeas

04-04-17, 04:45 AM
I have a question for you all: are there today pure jampeas available in the USA? An in Europe? Thanks!

04-04-17, 05:27 AM
Get a hold of Bob Clark (Bob Clark - Home (http://www.bobclark.com/)) since he's the first one, that I know of, that started importing and breeding them. He makes frequent trips to Europe and would be able to deliver should you want one.

I've been in contact with him and I'm waiting for some new SD arrivals in June.

Good luck.

I have a question for you all: are there today pure jampeas available in the USA? An in Europe? Thanks!

04-04-17, 10:42 AM
Any reason you're specifically looking for Jampea? I do know a good breeder with several locals, but I do not think they have Jampeas.

04-04-17, 11:36 AM
Jampeas pretty much became extinct in the hobby once people realized a few things...

1. Super Dwarfs
2. Jamps aren't actually "dwarfs". Many of the originals grew to over 10+ feet so in reality it's a dwarf to a species that gets 15+ feet but people still can't regularly handle 10+ feet.
3. Bred the mainland morphs to jamps then to SD's to produce smaller animals.

04-11-17, 03:59 PM
Any reason you're specifically looking for Jampea? I do know a good breeder with several locals, but I do not think they have Jampeas.

I have a jampea male from Bob Clark and thought to breed him.
I agree that SD are probably the best option but local morphs are still the greatest choice for retic fans.

04-12-17, 12:12 AM
I have a jampea male from Bob Clark and thought to breed him.
I agree that SD are probably the best option but local morphs are still the greatest choice for retic fans.

Peter Rice in the UK is a good retic breeder and perhaps join the 'Make Boas & Pythons Great Again' group on Facebook. There may well be people both in the US and Europe in there who could point you in the right direction.

Agree with the general point that pure locality Retics are becoming increasingly rare in the hobby and that is sad imo.