View Full Version : I'm gonna miss these guys

EL Ziggy
03-29-17, 10:46 AM
I'm taking off on a week long trip for work this Sunday. I make the same trip every year at this time and I always miss my critters when I'm gone. My GF is supposed to change all the snake's water at least once but last year she didn't because she was afraid she'd get bit. Let's hope she comes through this year.

http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t674/EL-Ziggy/20170328_224432_resized_zpstjf0zhxy.jpg (http://s1319.photobucket.com/user/EL-Ziggy/media/20170328_224432_resized_zpstjf0zhxy.jpg.html)

http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t674/EL-Ziggy/20170328_224636-1_resized_zpspmzrdlaa.jpg (http://s1319.photobucket.com/user/EL-Ziggy/media/20170328_224636-1_resized_zpspmzrdlaa.jpg.html)

http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t674/EL-Ziggy/20170328_224402-1-1_resized_zpsoirseclm.jpg (http://s1319.photobucket.com/user/EL-Ziggy/media/20170328_224402-1-1_resized_zpsoirseclm.jpg.html)

http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t674/EL-Ziggy/20170328_224357-1_resized_zpswjtwwbqz.jpg (http://s1319.photobucket.com/user/EL-Ziggy/media/20170328_224357-1_resized_zpswjtwwbqz.jpg.html)

http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t674/EL-Ziggy/20170328_224049_resized_zps9fdd23zm.jpg (http://s1319.photobucket.com/user/EL-Ziggy/media/20170328_224049_resized_zps9fdd23zm.jpg.html)

http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t674/EL-Ziggy/20170328_223656_resized_zpsu5yoxztq.jpg (http://s1319.photobucket.com/user/EL-Ziggy/media/20170328_223656_resized_zpsu5yoxztq.jpg.html)

03-29-17, 10:52 AM
You could use bigger water bowls...

03-29-17, 12:17 PM
God I can't wait to get my olives - supreme snake and yours is a stunner El. I'd sure miss mine...

03-29-17, 12:19 PM
Oh and the bredli isn't bad either- they have one in my favourite shop that I am so so tempted by.

EL Ziggy
03-29-17, 01:05 PM
Thanks Danny. It seems that we share a love for the Australian pythons aye? After seeing your olives and scrubs I've got to find me a new and unique critter. :)

03-29-17, 01:09 PM
Thanks Danny. It seems that we share a love for the Australian pythons aye? After seeing your olives and scrubs I've got to find me a new and unique critter. :)

It's not a group I thought I had much love for but now I just find more and more I like.

I was so close to buying a spotted python today but some how managed to leave the store with him. Really nice snake it was but need to get this house move finalised before I buy anything else and determine exactly what space I have factoring in the adult vivs for the. Lives and scrubs.

Those scrubs - they're something else aren't they?! Those and the olives will be the pinnacle of by collection I think.