View Full Version : UTH & Heat Probes

03-27-17, 11:54 AM
I'm using two 40gal terrariums and one 20gal terrarium (my quarantine tank).

One thing I've noticed...all the heat probes that you're supposed to place between the UTH and the bottom of the enclosure cause a significant loss of heat in that area of the probe--the probe causes a large gap where the UTH loses contact, and in the case of a small UTH, that's almost 20-30% of the contact with the terrarium and that's a lot of heat lost. The major problem is that the probes are always cylindrical in nature and most are rather thick.

Eventually I'll go the larger PVC enclosure route, but until my snakes get >4ft in size the 40gal enclosures will have to do. The 40gal-sized UTHs still lose a fair amount of contact but it's acceptable.

How can I avoid this heat loss besides using a larger UTH? Should I use heat tape? Or should I use lights only? Can I press the UTH completely to the outside glass and then put the probe inside the enclosure and silicon caulk it to the bottom of the enclosure since I know tape is out of the question.


03-27-17, 12:19 PM
i ran into a similar problem with a 20 gallon long. what i did, which seems to be doing just fine is, i happen to upgrade to the larger heat mat for 30-40gals due to my tank being in a 60° basement (where my room is) and i put the probe on the outside of the enclosure, on the bottom of the tank touching the UTH. i than got aluminum foil tape an out a huge piece over the entire probe/ lil bit of the wire so the room temperature doesn't affect it. i don't like the sandwitching the probe idea, so i taped it to the bottom. everything's been perfect for my tank!

03-27-17, 12:33 PM
Heat mat under tank. Probe in tank touch bottom above mat.

Problem solved :)

03-27-17, 12:37 PM
Heat mat under tank. Probe in tank touch bottom above mat.

Problem solved :)

I concur. This is the method we use, and it seems to be working.

03-27-17, 01:11 PM
How did you secure the probe to keep it from moving?

I concur. This is the method we use, and it seems to be working.

Heat mat under tank. Probe in tank touch bottom above mat.

Problem solved :)

03-27-17, 01:28 PM
If it's a glass or wooden Viv I'd use aquarium silicon to stick it down.

In a rub or similar plastic container I may drill small holes either side of the probe wire and tie it down with thin gauge wire.

03-27-17, 02:49 PM
Gotcha, that's what I was thinking of below in my OP...silicon.

Thanks everyone! :)

If it's a glass or wooden Viv I'd use aquarium silicon to stick it down.

In a rub or similar plastic container I may drill small holes either side of the probe wire and tie it down with thin gauge wire.

03-27-17, 04:52 PM
I was having the same question - I ended up buying clear Gorilla Tape, which according to the packaging can withstand heat up to 120 degrees F. I went around all the edges of the heat mat, seems okay so far!

03-27-17, 11:25 PM
I was having the same question - I ended up buying clear Gorilla Tape, which according to the packaging can withstand heat up to 120 degrees F. I went around all the edges of the heat mat, seems okay so far!

Not in the Viv I hope? Heat mats in vivs are a fire hazard due to thermal blocking and any form of sticky tape inside the Viv is an extreme hazard to the animal.

03-28-17, 06:09 AM
Not in the Viv I hope? Heat mats in vivs are a fire hazard due to thermal blocking and any form of sticky tape inside the Viv is an extreme hazard to the animal.

Nah, underneath :)

03-28-17, 06:10 AM
Nah, underneath :)

:) just checking

03-28-17, 06:11 AM
:) just checking

I appreciate it! As a beginner it's good to know if I am doing things correctly (or not).