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View Full Version : Newbie :3

03-20-17, 12:31 PM
First time snake owner and would love any advice :) x

03-20-17, 01:21 PM
First time snake owner and would love any advice :) x
Need a little more info!

03-20-17, 04:42 PM
Welcome to SsnakesS! :)

Tiny Boidae
03-20-17, 05:33 PM
First time snake owner and would love any advice :) x

My advice? Always bring a stick of deodorant with you wherever you go. A lot of people reek and trust me, you don't want to be that person. :)

03-20-17, 06:12 PM
Ummm... :)

...Don't tap a Gaboon on the head because he's so calm and gentle
...Don't play a game of wack-a-mole with a Taipan because you think you're faster
...Don't use a Kingcobra as a necklace to belong to the "cool kids"
...Don't hand feed a 12 ft Green Anaconda

& welcome
+ please be more specific on your request, like snake species you wish to keep, current setup if any, and so on :)

03-21-17, 02:58 AM
Oh yeah sure he's a ball python and i've had him for around 2/3 weeks and he's settled in fairly well and was actually wondering how long and how often would you recommend to get them out to handle? Thanks! :)

03-21-17, 03:00 AM
Haha thank you i will remember that :)

03-21-17, 03:04 AM
sounds good! and oh yeah sorry i was very vague my bad! And may as well ask i have a ball python and i've had him for around 2/3 weeks and was wondering how often and how long would you recommend getting them out to handle :) thanks !

03-21-17, 03:04 AM
Thank you! :)