View Full Version : Boa Constrictor Longicauda Breeders?

03-19-17, 06:30 AM
Hey, does anyone have suggestions for where to find BCLs? I have a deal with a friend on one baby as long as I buy a mate as well since I do plan on breeding them eventually. I want to get my feelers out there to narrow down some options as I save up. Looking for '17 or '16 babies if anyone has an suggestions for where to go? They are a little harder to find so I'm sort of casting my net as wide as it can go.

03-19-17, 07:21 AM
Try cutting edge herpetological Inc.

03-19-17, 07:55 AM
There difficult to get hold of here in the uk two,they are just so nice, I have a pair of bcl which I brought around xmas that are 1 in April,there growing really well and are nice
And friendly,there parents where German imports from stocks boa-constrictor.com who produce some amazing longicauda in Europe
Good luck with your quest and post some pics if you find some

03-19-17, 09:09 AM
The established longicauda breeders include Vin Russo [http://www.cuttingedgeherp.com/], Eugene Bessette [https://www.facebook.com/OphioServices/], and Orland/Joel Diaz [http://www.legacyreptiles.com/home.htm]. Also, Sonja Koolmo [http://www.sonjakreptiles.com/] recently produced a litter, and last I checked she still had a few individuals available for sale.

Hope this helps.

03-19-17, 04:20 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions so far! If you have any others please keep sharing with me :)
I'm familiar with everyone mentioned except Sonja so I'll check her out as well.
I heard Cutting Edge might only do pairs?
And of course I'm in the US and can't really import. Those boas are spectacular but wrong continent. I was drooling over them last night though haha.

03-19-17, 07:27 PM
If you have FB, Jessica Fee is expecting a litter I think. Crispysnakes/Allison Theus also is expecting a litter if I'm not mistaken. They're also on FB. They're not as big as the others mentioned but they seem pretty reliable since I've been seeing their posts.

03-20-17, 02:28 AM
I'll check out Crispysnakes as well! I spoke to Jessica Fee earlier and she's on the short list of breeders at the moment for me. I might actually go on her waitlist at some point. She's selling for a little more than I'd like to spend but I'm kind of okay with that if I can get the money by the time her babies are ready. Thanks!