View Full Version : Little giant

03-15-17, 06:22 PM
After months and months of waiting my new addition hatched and thanks to the benefits of Facebook and quick action I had 3rd pick of the litter and only one looking for a male I believe. I chose this little death worm.

He is a 68.75%SuperDwarf FireTiger Reticulated Python produced by Mr Chuck Royal. He hatched March 1 so still be a little while before I actually get him. I thought I'd share my new addition. No name as of yet.


03-15-17, 07:34 PM
What a beauty! I actually spoke with Chuck at the Montreal expo last weekend. He's a really cool guy and he produces amazing animals. I have to admit I'm pretty jealous lol. Congrats on the new addition :)

03-15-17, 07:39 PM
Pretty! When are you getting the next one:laugh:

03-15-17, 08:15 PM
Okay, now I'm jealous! ;-P

EL Ziggy
03-15-17, 08:20 PM
Very nice Blaze. He's a beauty. Way to take it to the next level brother.

03-16-17, 03:37 AM
Thanks everyone, he is also 100% het purple.

@riddick I had a hard time just choosing one.

03-16-17, 03:42 AM
"Just one" yeah........ :D for now :D

Already told you, but he's great congrats!

03-16-17, 03:44 AM
BOTH OF YOU SHUSH!! I have the spine of a gummy bear :p

And thanks :D

dave himself
03-16-17, 04:01 AM
He's a screamer mate, congratulations on your new guy ;)

03-16-17, 07:20 AM
Nice pickup! Chuck definitely has some nice stuff.

jay's reptiles
03-16-17, 07:39 AM
Wow, very nice retic

03-16-17, 03:28 PM
Nice! I like how pale he is, I think you're going to like this one, retics are great. :)

03-16-17, 05:53 PM
Thanks everyone, I have everything I need for him minus another stat but I'll have that setup before he arrives. Hopefully in a few weeks I'll have the little worm home. Time will tell how fast he grows and how soon I'll need to upgrade cages.

04-19-17, 06:18 PM
Bit late but Friday I took this little death worm home. Breeder said he was very calm. An hour in a bag driving home and when I took him out he was just curious and wanted to roam. No fear no aggression at all. He took a small meal already.

Introducing Kaa, sorry for the poor quality photos my cell phone camera sucks. The focus is terrible and he wouldn't stay still :D On my sweater is no flash and flash in cage.

http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd120/scottwaslenko/20170414_210437.jpg (http://s225.photobucket.com/user/scottwaslenko/media/20170414_210437.jpg.html)

http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd120/scottwaslenko/20170414_210539.jpg (http://s225.photobucket.com/user/scottwaslenko/media/20170414_210539.jpg.html)

http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd120/scottwaslenko/20170414_210601.jpg (http://s225.photobucket.com/user/scottwaslenko/media/20170414_210601.jpg.html)

http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd120/scottwaslenko/20170414_210618.jpg (http://s225.photobucket.com/user/scottwaslenko/media/20170414_210618.jpg.html)

04-19-17, 09:57 PM
Congrats on your retic addition. Enjoy!

04-19-17, 10:03 PM
No to go full Guy Fieri but that snake is baller dude.

04-19-17, 11:12 PM
Lovely snake. Can't wait for my Madu to arrive. Couple of weeks I think :)

dave himself
04-20-17, 12:50 AM
He's beautiful mate congratulations :), and as for taking pics the best thing to do is take loads, then pick out the best ones. Retics and cameras are not a good mix :D

04-20-17, 04:25 AM
I didn't went to stress him out too much so was taking a few quick ones. My phone camera is junk. I'll have to use a real camera once U get a few meals in him and he settles in.

04-20-17, 05:21 AM
Looking good! I want one so bad. Chuck mentioned he might be producing some SD cow retics in the near future, but I don't think I can wait that long haha

dave himself
04-20-17, 07:18 AM
I didn't went to stress him out too much so was taking a few quick ones. My phone camera is junk. I'll have to use a real camera once U get a few meals in him and he settles in.

I know what you mean mate, there will be plenty of time for pics

EL Ziggy
04-20-17, 09:37 PM
Congrats on getting the handsome new fella home and fed Blaze. Smashing new addition!

jay's reptiles
04-21-17, 09:59 AM
Very pretty retic!!!

04-21-17, 09:49 PM
Thanks everyone, little Kaa took his second meal tonight. And the spunky little bugger struck at me through his cage door when I was checking to make sure he ate. He wasn't even close to the door but still took a shot.

05-03-17, 09:22 PM
Update on Kaa he took his 3rd meal over the weekend. I took him out tonight for the first time. I am starting to tap train him. It only took a few moments to use the hook to pull him out of his cage. Not an ounce of aggression or fear. Just more of curiosity and just moving around. Sorry guys no pictures as I realized he is in shed, skin is dry and cracking and faded. I only held for a minute as I didn't want to stress him. Retics are much better climbers then I thought, I wraps and holds onto my arm with his body better then my carpet. A true arboreal snake. He "holds" my arm as me goes. I can't wait until he grows up enough to move to a bigger cage so I can give him an arboreal cage to climb around in. I put him back and sprayed down his bedding to bump the humidity and filled his water dish. I want him to shed clean. So happy with this guy, he is so easy to handle, eats like a machine and I'm sure with time will be so pretty and an amazing display snake.

dave himself
05-04-17, 12:31 AM
Good the hear he's doing well for you, and can't wait to see the some pics once he's shed :)

05-09-17, 08:22 PM
Hey everyone

Bit of an update, Kaa went into his first shed for me. And despite my best efforts he shed like crap. Pieces all over despite trying to keep the humidity 60-65% normally and above 70%. Gave him a warm bath and a fresh bedding change. He is so easy to handle, not an ounce of aggression just curious little worm that wants to roam/escape. Sorry for the poor pics my cell camera sucks, doesn't focus right.

http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd120/scottwaslenko/20170509_214226.jpg (http://s225.photobucket.com/user/scottwaslenko/media/20170509_214226.jpg.html)

http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd120/scottwaslenko/20170509_214237.jpg (http://s225.photobucket.com/user/scottwaslenko/media/20170509_214237.jpg.html)

http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd120/scottwaslenko/20170509_214303.jpg (http://s225.photobucket.com/user/scottwaslenko/media/20170509_214303.jpg.html)

http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd120/scottwaslenko/20170509_214309.jpg (http://s225.photobucket.com/user/scottwaslenko/media/20170509_214309.jpg.html)

EL Ziggy
05-09-17, 10:48 PM
Sounds like you two were made for each other Blaze ;). He looks great even though it's tough shooting a moving target :). Congrats on the first shed. Any idea why it was a patchy one? You humidity seems spot on.

05-09-17, 10:56 PM
Sounds like you two were made for each other Blaze ;). He looks great even though it's tough shooting a moving target :). Congrats on the first shed. Any idea why it was a patchy one? You humidity seems spot on.

Thanks Ziggy I'm really happy with him.

Seems retics are notorious for not shedding well, he only used a hide 2 days ago for the first time in a month that I saw. Don't know if it's because he figured how to use them or because he was in shed. See what happens over the next few weeks if he uses them again.

dave himself
05-10-17, 01:20 AM
He's lovely mate, and Jenny's first couple of sheds with us weren't the best even though we had her humidity spot on.

05-15-17, 03:49 PM
Retics are definitely more sensitive about humidity falling. River has been having spotty sheds in her wooden enclosure, but usually sheds whole pieces. I added another set of EcoEarth blocks to her existing bedding, and that seems to do the trick as her most recent shed was a whole piece. She did rip it up a bit crawling over it though.

I'd probably put the humidity higher than 70%, though. At least in shed I'd try to get it as absolutely high as you possibly can, condensation is ok during the duration of the shed cycle but outside of that I'd keep it as high as you can without condensation.

05-15-17, 04:49 PM
I'm learning the hard way of how difficult they are to shed properly. Here I thought my BP was hard. Next time I hope to have more success. The humidity would fluctuate it had usually dipped to 60-80 by the time I'd see it and respray the bedding down. I might need to increase the ratio of cocohusk to cypress on his next bedding change. I'd typically see a 10% variance between hot and cold sides. He was typically seen in his cold hide which near the cold side sensor.

05-17-17, 01:40 PM
I usually just pour a bunch of water into the bedding and mix it up. When I first started using EcoEarth, I tried spraying the bedding down, but I could spray until my arms ached and it didn't make a difference. With the bedding "full" of water, it provides all the humidity I need for a week or two, unless it's especially dry or the heaters are on a lot.

Tsubaki has also mentioned putting a ball of wet moss in a corner during shed, apparently that has worked quite well for her.

05-17-17, 01:50 PM
A layer of clay hydro balls under the bedding with a weed membrane on top with the balls really soaked does wonders to keep the substrate above moist.

Vary the depth of the hydro ball layer depending on whether you're after a high or low humidity environment.

Works a treat :)

05-20-17, 11:06 AM
He is in a grow out cage right now 23x23x11 pvc so doesn't have extra space for height. But I'll keep that tip in mind when I setup my carpet and retics adult cage. I'll have a 4x2x2 and a 6x2x2 so that might help me with the cage humidity.

The little worm ate a rat pup on thursday. A day of basking under the heat panel and the next in his cold hide. This morning when I got up early he poked his head out to stare at me. Fear the worm FEAR.

Little baby snoot

http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd120/scottwaslenko/20170520_055353.jpg (http://s225.photobucket.com/user/scottwaslenko/media/20170520_055353.jpg.html)

http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd120/scottwaslenko/20170520_055435.jpg (http://s225.photobucket.com/user/scottwaslenko/media/20170520_055435.jpg.html)

EL Ziggy
05-20-17, 01:48 PM
And so it begins. Keep feeding the beast Blaze. He'll be more than a handful before you know it. :)

dave himself
05-20-17, 02:13 PM
:D you may get used that look mate :D

05-20-17, 02:31 PM
Thanks guys, I want him to grow but don't want to overfeed I have a schedule from Tsu for him.

He is so chill everytime I handle him I hope it stays. I hope to get some good pics of his colours soon just seems to be in shed or something recently.

05-20-17, 02:45 PM
Awesome snakes ain't they?! I'm taking mine down the mouse route so he's on a small adult at the moment but then may transition to rat fluffs instead of large adult mice. See how he goes.

What size do you expect yours to get?

05-21-17, 09:13 AM
Thanks danny, he will be getting quail soon as well.

I expect him to be 6-7'. Breeder has a adult male 75% 6' and 62.5% 7'. I figure him being a 68.75% he should fall in the middle somewhere.

05-21-17, 09:20 AM
i love retics..some to the best snakes I have every owned.

Great looking one you have there

06-03-17, 01:40 PM
So Kaa shed for the second time, first time was terrible all patchy and took days to clean up. This time I'm happy to report it was perfectly clean, he a had a bit on his tail but it came off as he was sliding through my fingers. Managed to keep the humidity at or above 80 and also made sure the bedding in his hides was moistened as well. Seemed to work perfectly. It is a nice sunny mild day outside so I had to take a few pictures in the sunlight. He is still so calm and easy to handle and oh so pretty. The little worm is 3 months old.

https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/18928174_10154705086910745_1151029085_n.jpg?oh=cb1 39e8ebe4bf4c313cf9f64bee2a4a7&oe=5934C7A3

https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/18902857_10154705087445745_662528611_n.jpg?oh=800a b783cd44d984bc09fd56fd089d13&oe=5935CC2C

Who needs an bicep tat :P
https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/18902162_10154705087780745_2093987158_n.jpg?oh=a18 9b447a6d6f27ef27e34c283c2b8ee&oe=59358C65

https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/18902110_10154705087870745_317799219_n.jpg?oh=61dd 0b1bf322babaae23606027e726e5&oe=593597CB

Finally a good picture of his colours, has green iridescence.

https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/18902375_10154705090785745_366370133_n.jpg?oh=4642 8951d80911627687b3221d611ff8&oe=5934ADDA

EL Ziggy
06-03-17, 10:54 PM
He's looking better and better every time we see him Blaze. :)

06-03-17, 11:27 PM
Beautiful snake. Looks like it's going to be a glorious day here so may get squidnugget out for a few pics.

06-04-17, 02:56 AM
Congrats! :D he's gorgeous

dave himself
06-04-17, 04:13 AM
He's a beauty mate, natural light really makes him glow ;)

Tiny Boidae
06-04-17, 09:21 AM
Looking great! Doesn't seem like he wants to sit still lol