View Full Version : since people have been posting pet peeves...
02-27-03, 12:47 PM
Mine is really simple and basic...
A lot - it's TWO words, not one, not alot...:D
02-27-03, 12:54 PM
Yup. :) Here are a few more...
To: Let's go <b>to</b> the store.
Two: Let's buy <b>two</b> bottles of Pepsi.
Too: That's way <b>too</b> many bottles of Pepsi. Or: I like Pepsi <b>too</b>.
There: <b>There</b> are too many people in here.
Their: <b>Their</b> house can fix that many people.
They're: <b>They're</b> going to invite us over there in stead.
Than: I have more money <b>than</b> you do.
Then: <b>Then</b> why don't you share with me?
Not to be a stick in the mud, but people always get those ones wrong. :) lol
02-27-03, 12:57 PM
Oh, one more...
By: I put your cell phone <b>by</b> your jacket.
Buy: I didn't <b>buy</b> a cell phone.
Bye: Okay, it must be Hector's phone. <b>Bye!</b>
Big Mike
02-27-03, 01:10 PM
Oh and this one...
Your...Is that your snake?
You're...You're (you are) a big poo poo head
02-27-03, 01:37 PM
You guys sure are havin a lot of peeves and complaints about the wordes and spelling that we all use too. Peeples should all prolly stop and look at there post before they hit the submit buton. But hey we all makes misteaks. :D
02-27-03, 01:45 PM
I'm not so much bothered by it as observed it... "u" how much more energy can it really take to type y and o? They're all with 4 keys of each other!!
Big Mike
02-27-03, 02:17 PM
I'd say it only bothers me because I make the mistake so often.
I guess I'm getting old but some of the "internet slang" is starting to bother me...I really don't like to see "kewl"
02-27-03, 02:28 PM
yeah people tend to do that alot :)
02-27-03, 02:38 PM
Yea! I don't like "Kewl" either
Steeve B
02-27-03, 02:42 PM
Hey guys aim French and my English is bad, but IV (I have) always stated my desire to improve.
And if you’re willing to help me put an end to my misspelling, well pleas do. Thanks
Ps. I just started posting on a japans forum, imagine this I don’t speak or understand japans, but I figure in a few years I will.
02-27-03, 02:43 PM
That's the spirit Steeve! :D
02-27-03, 02:44 PM
ooo stop complaining lol
02-27-03, 02:45 PM
Cool! That's a good idea! My friend taught me how to write in runes today, so now we can write notes to each other and the teachers won't know what we're talking about! (Oh man, we're nerds...)
02-27-03, 02:47 PM
what about gr8, that's another one, as well as OIC...
yeah kewl is pretty stupid
my pet peeve is when you go to have cereal....and there is only crumbs in the bottom, or like 1/4 of a bowl.....
the worst thing in life is when the little plastic part comes off your shoelace :( When i was younger, i would just use Duct Tape to fix it..
Also, Misspelled Graffiti..
As for shortcuts on words.. wat and ur.. I agree with you Katev17 it takes little energy to type out all the letters :D
02-27-03, 04:06 PM
i hate KEWL! it is the devils word!!!!! :devil: ah! i said it! wheres the holy water!:eek:
another thing i hate is when people dont stir sugar in your tea properly and its all sweet when you get to the bottom!! :: puke ::
Them and Us
02-27-03, 05:02 PM
I really haha "lol" for some reason. it bothers me. I say "ha." not "lol." i donno why it bothers me so.
02-27-03, 06:12 PM
You know what I hate? When you're saving a can of Dr. Pepper and you tell EVERYONE in the house that it's your's. You put your name on it and everything. Then you get home from school and it's not there :eek: !!! You ask who drank it and no one confesses! I hate that! It's not only just coke, it can be other things, too. That's why I hide my stuff from now on.
And another... When people come over to visit, they use your bathroom (my cousin for example) and they use your shampoo!! Oh I hate that... omg, it gets on my nerves! My cousin was using my perfume (she freakin had her own :mad:, but she told me mine smells like roses :p), my Velocity, my shampoo AND conditioner, my soap *shivers*... I threw it out after that, lol. So I hid all my personal stuff. Just glad she didn't use my deoderant! grrrr :mad:
02-27-03, 11:52 PM
my biggest pet peeve is cell phones ..... i hate them and will never own one because they piss me off
Totally! Why should I have to suffer through a terrible conversation with crackling, breaking up, periods of silence and repeating myself all because the person with a cell phone insists on talking while driving or walking.
Shane has the best cell phone.. It rings, and when you answer it, hangs up on the person that called you, and then you have to in turn, call that person back.. LMAO!!
Marisa: hey, that cell phone could save your life one day! :P
Matt: What? Really? I was wondering what the flare gun on the side of the new Samsung was for. *L*
LOL thats another pet peeve! Come on folks who needs a gaming system on their cell phone that can play DOOM or any of those other games? haha next will be flotation devices and coffee makers all with the low price of 10 cents a minute pay per use cards and conviently stored in the cell. :)
02-28-03, 12:25 AM
To all the spelling critics, please remember this: I'm the only ADD, dyslexic teacher that I know of in NB:rolleyes: Also, I have a psychology degree and I can tell you that spelling has never been used as a measure of a persons intelligence, yet for some reason society always assumes that if a person can't spell they are not as intelligent as the rest of us, uh, you.
Wow this thread-helped alot;)
I agree with the 'LOL' one. It means 'Laugh out loud', right? Ugh. I really wonder how many people actually 'laugh out loud' while sitting on their computer by themselves....I can related to smiling faintly in appreciation....but bellowing, snorting, and Gaffawing?.....I love this discussion....Mmmm...grammar....everybody needs the opportunity to pontificate, right? LOL.
HA! I totally use "LOL" just because I don't want to write "smiling in appreciation"
Smiling In Appreciation,
People that use "ur" "asl" (specialy asl) "4" "ctc" in place of full words annoy the heck out of me.
"irregardless" is a minor annoyance. oh, can't forget "meh", it (meh) is like grunting, I just want to slap people that say "meh" upside the head with side of raw beef.
Incorrect spelling and grammer while annoying are not as bad as just being too plain lazy to type correctly.
Having something like ADD is no excuse for laziness like the above.
And yes I have laughed out loud when reading stuff @ the computer. Sometimes at inapropriate times like when a customer is telling me how they've lost 2 years worth of data because they didn't back up and I just read a particularly good punchline at a comic site. I've also had to dry off the screen because I took that sip of coffee when i shouldn't.
02-28-03, 03:51 AM
I gots one thing tooooo
if you don't like it than don't LOOK at it ..this ain't GRAMMER class.....
by the way STORMYVA i like your avater its
02-28-03, 03:59 AM
do you all think this thread is realy gonna stop ppl from using slang? common jump in to reality .
would you cross the street if the store was right accross from you or would you walk all the way down to the cross walk and then walk all the way back to the store you were just in front of ???
Actually, I laugh out loud at LOL because I come from a medical background and there it means "little old lady" as in LOL S/P MVA with LOC and AMS
translation: a little old lady status post motor vehicle accident in which she lost conciousness now has an altered mental status
My pet peeve is so-called leaders of the free world who say nukular instead of nuclear.
02-28-03, 06:50 AM
my pet peeve is when you go to have cereal....and there is only crumbs in the bottom, or like 1/4 of a bowl.....
Or when you go to eat cereal and there's no milk left! Come on now! :mad:
Tightsqueeze: we're not trying to change what people do, we're just talking about what bugs us
OH And I HATE (!!!!!) when my brother says "Whatevs" He's doing it mockingly but it's SO annoying
For eyespy: LOL c/o S.O.B. w/ hx of CHF, COPD, DM who appears in NAD.
LOL... everybodies covered alot of mine already :p Here's another two of mine:
It is Col<B>o</B>mbian, NOT Col<B>u</B>mbian.
I also can't stand when people label Colombians (BCI) as redtails. Two different subspecies should not share a common name IMHO, this creates serious confusion amongst other things. Not to mention it is extremely frustrating when browsing the classifieds looking for a true redtail and clicking on 100 ads titled redtail boa only to find one or two true redtails! BCI were only labelled redtails as a marketing ploy a few decades ago by dealers to make more money since they were somewhat similar in appearance and BCC fetch a higher price.
02-28-03, 06:09 PM
OMG, and I also hate it when people forget to put periods in their sentences!! It's like one long paragraph that goes ON AND ON and you can't breathe in-between. Arrrgh, my ex-boyfriend does this on KS . com everytime he posts. It's like they have no common sense and don't know how to read or write anything!! Plus people I know that do this usually don't capitalize, either. Here's an example: "my burmese python is sick please help shes not eating and hasnt pooped in 2 days i would like to know whats wrong with her. (<<< even that little period might not be there) does she need to go to the vet? thanks" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Drives me crazy!!!!
sorry i do that i never use period or anything i'm sorry if it bothers you......... I havent read all the posts on this subject so i dont know if this has been covered yet........ I HATE PPL THAT BUY WILD CAUGHT WHEN THERE IS A HUGE SUPPLY OF C.B. ANIMALS FOR THAT SPECIES you all are contributing to this big problem called extingtion
02-28-03, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by eyespy
My pet peeve is so-called leaders of the free world who say nukular instead of nuclear.
Haha, or science teachers who say that. Kinda like the science teacher who said "BIGliography" instead of Bibliography"...GRRR! I don't mind LOL. I think it only bothers me when it's 1 word or part of a word that is substituted, i.e. "l8r g8r"...but if it's in place of a phrase such as "laugh out loud" or "in my honest opinion" I understand, it does take longer to type those.
02-28-03, 10:05 PM
Seeing as how I am a necrohippoflogiphiliac.....
loose... Your button is loose .
lose... If you don't fix it, you will lose it.
:flick: :flick: :flick:
02-28-03, 11:23 PM
You know what bugs me...when someone says OMG!!! Which means oh my god!!!
02-28-03, 11:30 PM
02-28-03, 11:56 PM
Tightsqueeze, I don't mean to single you out or make you feel stupid, but I need ask. You <b>DO</b> know that you keep typing "common" in stead of "come on", right? Maybe it is another internet slang that I am unaware of, but I just needed to find out once and for all. :D
Common: Most people at have a lot in <b>common</b>.
Come on: <b>Come on.</b> Let's go see if Hector is finished eating. :)
Just checking buddy. ;)
Originally posted by Zoom
For eyespy: LOL c/o S.O.B. w/ hx of CHF, COPD, DM who appears in NAD.
I got a giggle out of that one mixing "medicalese" with more common abbreviations -- a little old lady complaining of her son of a ........... I did laugh out loud, but just a little. Then my bird Pixel heard me and he laughed too.
03-01-03, 01:43 PM
LMAO!! Wow we are all annoyed by such petty little things. What annoys me is people that complain too much, like about the weather in Canada for example. If you don't like it, go live in Cuba lol.
Agreed Gino, I hate the people that complain about winter in Canada. It's not called the great white north for nothing, so if you don't like snow, move to Florida.
What I don't like, is on AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) people wo come on and say "Hi" so I reply, and then they don't say anything else. If they didn't want to talk to me in the first place, they shouldn't have said hi.
03-01-03, 08:18 PM
03-03-03, 10:56 AM problem bro no hard feelings.. this isn't grammer class and i am not getting marked on anythin so i just figure i am not going to spend my time worrying if people can understand a sentance when i have so many threads to read everyday all day, with all the slang and short forms of words people are using all the time people will get used to it ....(not reffering to anyone impoticular )but if you speak english and can't figure it out by reading the sentance then maybe you should have paid more attention in this is not a bash against ANYONE but is only and personal opinion...
have a good day everyone
RE: Shoelace problem
After the little plastic piece comes off, burn the tips with a lighter. Let it burn for a few seconds then blow it out. When its still hot, I use my fingers to "mold' it. Works like a charm! (dont burn yourself)
My pet peeve are stupid warning labels that are manditory everywhere because we are surrounded by morons.
lol, thanks for the tip on the shoelaces Ryan..
03-03-03, 12:39 PM
Kathy that happens to me all the time! I have a group of reptile people most of whom just say hi and nothing else!
03-03-03, 01:19 PM
(not reffering to anyone impoticular )
i think you mean 'in particular'.
but if you speak english and can't figure it out by reading the sentance then maybe you should have paid more attention in school
If you speak the English language, you should atleast be able to spell it. It really isnt that hard, so maybe YOU should have spent a little more time and attention in school. Especially around 3rd and 4th grade when they taught the majority of people how to read and WRITE in the English language.
No Offence though
03-03-03, 02:34 PM
..enough about about something more important....
Jenn's Peeve of the Week:
Pet stores selling Chameleons, Bearded Dragons, etc. without stressing the importance of UVB lighting.
If I have to hear about, or see, one more chameleon or beardie being housed without UVB I am gonna go postal. It is not one or two cases of MBD I have seen in the past three months BUT MANY, MANY CASES. I have run out of fingers to count on! I don't know who to be more angry at, the salesperson for not educating the buyer on the particular reptiles needs and seeing that it goes home with EVERYTHING it needs, or the customer for not researching before purchase. It takes two secs to look something up in a book or on the internet. I also see a small percentage of owners who neglect this important lighting requirement because they are CHEAP..."do I really need this...I mean $100 just so it can catch some rays, thats more than the friggen animal".....
:skull: Jenn, who is going to calm down...
Jenn, that's more than just a pet peeve, that's an actual issue and you are very right to be angry about it. The general public seems to think pet store clerks know everything about every animal they sell and that couldn't be further from the truth. Even when there is an entire wall covered with books about the animals!!
I hate pet stores! If I can't get it from a dollar store, a home improvement store, or through the internet, do my animals really need it?
teK_n9ine you have got to be the rudest person to ever come on these forums and I am sure no one needs that sort of input unless I am mistaken and Jeff assigned you to play "Daddy" here?
Thought not.
If you don't like the people here, then why don't you leave?Otherwise your post was hurtful and mean.
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