View Full Version : Picking my corn snake up on Friday

03-07-17, 05:28 AM
Hi guys

I've reserved a snake at a reptile shop that I went to see over the weekend and I'm going to pick him up on Friday! I'm really excited but I just want to make sure I have everything for his enclosure. He's a baby and I will be housing him in a 2ft viv for a couple of years.
This is a list of items I have, can you guys recommend anything I may have forgotten or do you think I'm all set?:

Swell Thermostat
Habistat Heat Mat
Swell Dial Thermometer x 2 (one for cool end & one for warm end)
White Python Digital Thermometer Hygrometer
Swell Premium Aspen Bedding
Komodo Feeding Tongs Plastic
Exo Terra Water Dish (Small)
Komodo Spilt Philodendron Plant 40cm
Exo Terra Abuliton Plant
Swell Coconut Hide
Exo Terra Reptile Cave (Medium)
Exo Terra Forest Branch Medium
Exo Terra Cholla Skeleton Small

Thanks everyone :)

03-07-17, 07:29 AM
Congrats! Looks like you have all the required stuff. You should be fine.

03-07-17, 07:42 AM
Thanks! Can't wait :)

03-07-17, 07:52 AM
I agree, you're fine :) If you can, set up the enclosure as soon as you can before you pick up the little guy :) You may need adjustments when it comes to temperature and humidity, and it is always better to go through this without any snake inside. Congrats! :D

03-07-17, 08:18 AM
Oh, wait, you did forget one thing...

All the supplies you're going to need for your second, third, and fourth snakes.

03-07-17, 08:20 AM
The only thing I would change would be a digital thermometer at the cold end...that seems to be the recommended type of thermometer since the analog thermometers are a bit inaccurate. Something cheap like the Zoo Med thermometers (http://zoomed.com/db/products/EntryDetail.php?SearchID=1&DatabaseID=2&EntryID=172) will do the trick. I have a Herpstat controller that has probes at my hot side (between pad and tank) and mid tank, but I use the Zoo Med, exact model mentioned above, for my cold side and it works great.

Other than the above the only other necessary piece of equipment would be a laser digital thermometer to take inside surface temperatures, especially at your hot end since you don't have a digital temperature controller. In the states they can go from $11-$100, and since the Euro is about the same .95/$, it will only cost you a few Euro more than it would cost us. I had one due to my computer hobby so I was set from the start.

Hi guys

I've reserved a snake at a reptile shop that I went to see over the weekend and I'm going to pick him up on Friday! I'm really excited but I just want to make sure I have everything for his enclosure. He's a baby and I will be housing him in a 2ft viv for a couple of years.
This is a list of items I have, can you guys recommend anything I may have forgotten or do you think I'm all set?:

Swell Thermostat
Habistat Heat Mat
Swell Dial Thermometer x 2 (one for cool end & one for warm end)
White Python Digital Thermometer Hygrometer
Swell Premium Aspen Bedding
Komodo Feeding Tongs Plastic
Exo Terra Water Dish (Small)
Komodo Spilt Philodendron Plant 40cm
Exo Terra Abuliton Plant
Swell Coconut Hide
Exo Terra Reptile Cave (Medium)
Exo Terra Forest Branch Medium
Exo Terra Cholla Skeleton Small

Thanks everyone :)

03-07-17, 08:30 AM
Thank you! I never thought of having a digital thermometer in my cool end. I will get one of them :)

03-07-17, 11:05 AM
Oh, wait, you did forget one thing...

All the supplies you're going to need for your second, third, and fourth snakes.

I second the above! :D

03-07-17, 04:30 PM
That is one lucky snake!