View Full Version : crested geckos are here

03-05-17, 05:36 AM
The anole test was overall a success. I lost 2 but wild caught, poorly cared for, dehydrated, starved lizards on sale at the chain pet store aren't the most reliable things to start with. The big male could not overcome a leg injury and was replaced with the male that was supposed to be female which he proved otherwise by trying to kill. I also lost a female who just never improved in health after buying her. I got 2 more far healthier anoles that a more experienced person tried to gender check. One looks more male to me but the other male has no problem with it. One of the chain store purchases I had to catch my own anoles because the person was afraid they'd bite. Of course they technically can't let you do that so seeing her failed plan to shoo anoles upward into a box from a top opening cage I just waited until they made their escape and plucked them off the wall. :p Surprisingly the big male's mate was not welcomed into the new trio added to the cage with his demise and started to waste away but seems to be recovering again.

On to geckos. We debated bridging the gap with a bulk house gecko feeders purchase or some golden geckos we found for $20 each but in the end the crested gecko matched what we wanted. We went ahead and dropped the money on a proven breeder male and one of his offspring. Have to find a female hopefully ready to breed this year. This guy caused some fun taking pictures by showing just what a grown crested gecko can do to go on an exploring spree when you don't know how to handle lizards.

http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u548/takakageri/lizard/crested%20gecko/DSCN4283_zpsha3teov0.jpg (http://s1321.photobucket.com/user/takakageri/media/lizard/crested%20gecko/DSCN4283_zpsha3teov0.jpg.html)

He is safely enclosed in a 10gallon now watching me from a bark perch. We also took his last remaining offspring. I put it in a bin in the aquarium room where temp and humidity are higher and more stable. For some reason all the pics came out hazy.

http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u548/takakageri/lizard/crested%20gecko/DSCN4282_zps80oq4nqw.jpg (http://s1321.photobucket.com/user/takakageri/media/lizard/crested%20gecko/DSCN4282_zps80oq4nqw.jpg.html)

I'm still tempted to grab those house geckos when I have a lull in needed supplies taking up my money. Just so I can have lots of eggs and hatch lots of little lizards.