View Full Version : sani-chip consumption?

03-01-17, 06:31 PM
After reading some things on here, I recently*switched my substrate to sani-chips. However, what I wasn't prepared for was how many "chips" my snake would ingest while eating. I've*read people on here saying it*isn't a big deal, but I*just want to make sure I'm not*doing any harm. For the record, he's eaten*3 times since the switch, consuming sani-chips each time, and hasn't*shown any behavioral changes. I have also tried hard to dry the pinkies before*feeding and have even tried putting in a plate for the snake to eat on. That didn't work, he likes to drag his prey all over the tank (and through the chips) before consuming it. Anyway, just wanted to make sure, not a problem? Or should I go with something else? Thanks!

03-01-17, 06:39 PM
Not an issue. Sani chips pass very easily. Saying that...maybe try to avoid getting the prey wet by changing how you thaw, it will reduce substrate consumption.

03-01-17, 06:45 PM
Ah, good idea.*I'll give it*a try. Thanks for the reassurance.

03-02-17, 06:40 AM
If you're thawing in warm water, try putting the mouse in a ziplock bag. I get all the air out and use my tongs to sink the bag until the mouse thaws. That helps keep them dry. Your snake will still eat some sanichips though.

03-02-17, 08:11 AM
Thanks. I'll definitely try that out. As long as I know I'm not slowly killing him by stuffing him full of sani-chips I can accept it if he eats a few. I was just not expecting it the first time I saw how many chips stuck to the mouse's body.

Jim Smith
03-02-17, 08:34 AM
When you feed you snake, do you place it on a small tray of some kind to keep it off of the bedding? I use 4x6 inch sushi plates which allow the snake to grab the prey item and get well started before it drags it onto the bedding. They do get some Sani-chips, but the very large majority of the Sani-chips don't actually make it into the snakes mouth. I've been using this method for a number of years with no issues at all.

03-02-17, 08:51 AM
I can accept it if he eats a few. I was just not expecting it the first time I saw how many chips stuck to the mouse's body.

I know what you mean. I had my indigo on sani chips for a while when he was a juvenile. They eat in much the same way as racers - drag and thrash the food all over the enclosure before and while swallowing it. It kind of worried me too, but I never had any issues with his health.

They do get some Sani-chips, but the very large majority of the Sani-chips don't actually make it into the snakes mouth.

This is actually true too. A lot of the chips get squeezed out the side of their mouths as they swallow the food item.

03-02-17, 09:49 AM
A lot of the chips get squeezed out the side of their mouths as they swallow the food item.

I have noticed this for the most part. It was the last feeding that got me worried, a mid-body capture and quite a few chips got lodged between the tail and hind legs as he dragged it around. Of course that is the end he decided to swallowed first.

I know what you mean. I had my indigo on sani chips for a while when he was a juvenile. They eat in much the same way as racers - drag and thrash the food all over the enclosure before and while swallowing it. It kind of worried me too, but I never had any issues with his health.

Like I said before, good to know (about the health). I'll just try to minimize the stickiness as much as possible and stop worrying about it. As an aside, I have read through your Loki thread....awesome snake.