View Full Version : My Enclosure

02-27-17, 07:58 PM
I plan on housing a king snake and I'm looking at a 50 gallon PVC tank
Does it matter if the dimensions for the pvc tank are a little off? Like a standard 50 gallon tank is 37 x 19 x 20 but the PVC tank is 36W x 18T x 24D is it fine? One of my other concerns is that the sliding doors of the PVC tank are in the front. Would that mean the snake can still get out? And would I still need a uth and heating light?

02-28-17, 05:11 PM

Does it matter if the dimensions for the pvc tank are a little off?

Would that mean the snake can still get out?
Nope, unless you leave the door open or they don't close well enough

And would I still need a uth and heating light?
Yup, just don't make the plastic melt, and you need a thermostat. Probably just a light would do, but snake shouldn't be able to touch it.