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My New T from this weekend not a very good picture though
sweet! What species is that?
02-27-03, 10:07 AM
Simply awsome!!!!
wow...look at those sexy long legs !
WOW! That is a striking looking tarantula! Congratulations :) I'd like to know too what species it is.
The picture did not turn out very good because I have to take it through the glass because she is aggressive. It is a Poecilotheria Regalis (Indian Ornamental). I have two more just like it.
02-28-03, 05:55 PM
Nice pokie... they are jewels of any collection! Dont get tagged by it though!
03-01-03, 09:00 PM
YOU HAVE A POKIE.....:jawdrop:
That's just too scary for me...I'm trying to work up to a Cobalt Blue:bugged:
Bite reports on those guys just haven't tickled my fancy...yet...
:skull: Jenn:skull:
I have three of the P. Regalis, I also have a fringed ornametal (peocilotheria ornate), a mexican redknee (Brachypelma Boehmei) and a gaint whiteknee (Acanthoscarnia Geniculata) She is the worst of the bunch. She attacks anything that move and flicks hair it is terrible. She even attacks the waterdish when I fill it.
03-03-03, 02:12 PM
haha...I'll be getting a lil one inch A.geniculata in two weeks.
I have a Mexican Red Rump that attacks the water dish also, but I find that feisty buggar absolutely darling, he carries his pea gravel until he calms down. CUTE!
:skull: Jenn:skull:
The A. Geniculata is by far the most aggersive of my spider. also to correct above I have a B. Smithi and not a B. Boehmei. I think the colbalt blue will be my next verture or I thought about some centipeds.
so, Im assuming the bite from the Indian Oramental is Bad?
are they aggressive?
I have never seen anyone bite by one but what I have heard it is pretty bad. I don't find that they are aggressive. I think that they would rather run away when you open the cage. They are just a hands off spider. I take alot of precautions because my girl freind is freaked out about getting bite. So she make me lock all the cages. and when I open them I have to keep the door closed so they can get out of the room. Also they are very fast.
03-09-03, 08:28 PM
SAHWEET p. reglis!!! I just got a fringed ornamental at the herp expo today... it's incredible! The lady that sold it to me was very very helpful, and really nice. I'm all excited, lol.
regalis is where it is at. i like that ornates as well as the sir lankins but in my opinion, the regalis are the most striking. bites aren't too bad for what ive heard. localized swelling
03-16-03, 01:31 AM
very fast?? they are mad fast!!.hahaha
03-16-03, 09:43 AM
All of the pokes are beauties. I think Regalis takes the cake though because they have the most colour in them.
they aren't that fast...try a haplopelma lividum (colbalt blue). that is fast
03-16-03, 03:01 PM
The Lividiums are quick... but the fastest I have dealt with is a toss up between the C. Paganus, P. Irminia and the orange demons (aka Usambara baboons) They are BULLET fast.
i have a usambrian baboon...she isn't that fast. but i terms of baboons, you have to get a cameroon red baboon (hysteocrates gigas) they are not the prettiest but the most interesting spider i own
03-17-03, 05:45 PM
Already have one :)
For interesting I would have to give the prize to my female A. Seemani... I have never seen a spider do as much cage remodelling as she does... almost every week she has totally changed all of her burrows/entrances and the network of tunnels underneath.
Makes me wish I had a better camera so I could show pics to you all.
i find them to be a pretty boring species to be honest. maybe a little peculiar though
03-23-03, 02:21 AM
I have a indian ornamental and shes a whopping 9"++ shes never givin me a hard time and has never tried to bite let alone when i work in her cage she stays in her house or runs to her house when shes out.. shes not flighty at all, i am very careful what i do around her just incase but no probs with mine.. when she comes out shes the most beautiful T in my collection she spreads out on the glass and wow shes just to awsome.. Gota love "India" thats her name, moms big girl.. :) And yes they can give one nasty bite and make you feel awful let alone be in real pain and swell to..:(
03-23-03, 09:51 AM
Nice...I actually seen my first Indian Ornamental at PCPC and damn are they gorgeous. Beautiful colours, long sexy legs...but when I saw the price...WOW. Out of my league.
But it's all good, just working my way up the ladder with my Rose Hair T, then one day when I'm ready, I'll go for a Cobalt Blue/Goliath Birdeater.
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