02-26-17, 09:41 PM
Sort of a quick and dirty setup because I've been sick and they are temporary small tanks for my new babies. They'll make good experiments. These are pics after newly wetting down so things have drained and dried some on the top. I added some powder blue isopods after things settled for a few days. My powder blue culture in a plastic coffee can is going well. Occasional moisture level issues I am figuring out which caused a temporary mold explosion after feeding grain free dog food. Bottom heat seems to keep it the most stable by evaporating the soil moisture to rain back down on the top so it never fully dries out but I don't have to keep misting it.
The lavender corn snake one I'm happier with except I will probably add more wood I collected and I should have soaked the tank first because no amount of vinegar scrubbing is getting the hardwater deposits off from it's time as a fish tank. I am testing out a drainage layer of quartz gravel sold as poultry grit.
http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u548/takakageri/snake/porphyry/DSCN4245_zpsbkuj8pb8.jpg (http://s1321.photobucket.com/user/takakageri/media/snake/porphyry/DSCN4245_zpsbkuj8pb8.jpg.html)
http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u548/takakageri/snake/porphyry/DSCN4247_zpsxfhcherq.jpg (http://s1321.photobucket.com/user/takakageri/media/snake/porphyry/DSCN4247_zpsxfhcherq.jpg.html)
http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u548/takakageri/snake/porphyry/DSCN4248_zps2b9gahad.jpg (http://s1321.photobucket.com/user/takakageri/media/snake/porphyry/DSCN4248_zps2b9gahad.jpg.html)
I haven't really been able to go rock collecting and ran out of small rocks so my new rosy boa gets bark temporarily but the substrate is mostly sand. I wanted it to support succulents though so it's heavier in organic matter than my other rosy tank. The other tank also doesn't support anything for cleanup crew but beetles due to the amount of sand, lack of plant matter for food sources, and how little moisture it will hold.
http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u548/takakageri/snake/ceara/DSCN4252_zps6sq8qzjz.jpg (http://s1321.photobucket.com/user/takakageri/media/snake/ceara/DSCN4252_zps6sq8qzjz.jpg.html)
http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u548/takakageri/snake/ceara/wood_zpsfsjxh9jq.jpg (http://s1321.photobucket.com/user/takakageri/media/snake/ceara/wood_zpsfsjxh9jq.jpg.html)
I've got to do 1 more for a kingsnake but I have female rats growing out in my last extra 10 gallon until they can go with the males so he's in the small quarantine and plant cutting growout container.
The lavender corn snake one I'm happier with except I will probably add more wood I collected and I should have soaked the tank first because no amount of vinegar scrubbing is getting the hardwater deposits off from it's time as a fish tank. I am testing out a drainage layer of quartz gravel sold as poultry grit.
http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u548/takakageri/snake/porphyry/DSCN4245_zpsbkuj8pb8.jpg (http://s1321.photobucket.com/user/takakageri/media/snake/porphyry/DSCN4245_zpsbkuj8pb8.jpg.html)
http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u548/takakageri/snake/porphyry/DSCN4247_zpsxfhcherq.jpg (http://s1321.photobucket.com/user/takakageri/media/snake/porphyry/DSCN4247_zpsxfhcherq.jpg.html)
http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u548/takakageri/snake/porphyry/DSCN4248_zps2b9gahad.jpg (http://s1321.photobucket.com/user/takakageri/media/snake/porphyry/DSCN4248_zps2b9gahad.jpg.html)
I haven't really been able to go rock collecting and ran out of small rocks so my new rosy boa gets bark temporarily but the substrate is mostly sand. I wanted it to support succulents though so it's heavier in organic matter than my other rosy tank. The other tank also doesn't support anything for cleanup crew but beetles due to the amount of sand, lack of plant matter for food sources, and how little moisture it will hold.
http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u548/takakageri/snake/ceara/DSCN4252_zps6sq8qzjz.jpg (http://s1321.photobucket.com/user/takakageri/media/snake/ceara/DSCN4252_zps6sq8qzjz.jpg.html)
http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u548/takakageri/snake/ceara/wood_zpsfsjxh9jq.jpg (http://s1321.photobucket.com/user/takakageri/media/snake/ceara/wood_zpsfsjxh9jq.jpg.html)
I've got to do 1 more for a kingsnake but I have female rats growing out in my last extra 10 gallon until they can go with the males so he's in the small quarantine and plant cutting growout container.