View Full Version : Putting water monitors together?

02-22-17, 04:45 AM
I was just wondering if i can put any other reptiles or maybe a new monitor in with my water monitor. I have two adult mountain tortoises (they live in a seperate enclosure) together with my monitor. Or maybe other reptiles or another monitor. Of course i will not do it if it will risk their lives i just wanted to ask have anyone done this successfully. I have an outdoor enclosure that is 9,2X3,5 meters with a large pond in it. Have you or do you know anyone that have done this? And are the animals happy or Stressed. If they are Stressed i will never put them together i never want to make my pets stressed :sad: .

02-22-17, 08:31 AM
I wouldn't think it's a good idea... Being caged with another animal that you can't get away from, I would think cause a lot of stress... Just my opinion...

02-22-17, 08:37 AM
Ok i will keep them sepetated then

02-22-17, 05:35 PM
I think water monitors when kept together from being born can actually be kept together, as long as the enclosure is big enough (and they need a BIG enclosure). I'm not sure what will happen if you introduce one to the other that was living solo, especially if there is a significant size difference (Hi, my name is feeding-day, nice to meet you). I wouldn't risk it, but you should check with an experienced monitor breeder for full explanation and expectations on that.

02-22-17, 05:45 PM
Ok my monitors are not full grown yet they are just half way and i have another enclosure just in case this did not work out well

02-22-17, 05:57 PM
Would still check with an experienced monitor keeper before introducing them. Even if they don't fly at each other's neck right from the start, it may happen when you sleep. Those guys are perfectly able to really hurt or kill each other.