View Full Version : 26 years old and still shining after a shed

Eric & Ethan
02-21-17, 05:56 PM


02-21-17, 06:06 PM
Wow! 26!!! Looks amazing!!!

02-21-17, 06:47 PM
Awesome to see old snakes, not too common it seems. Still a looker

02-21-17, 07:02 PM
aaawww. Look at the baby. This is goals for my baby Fang. He's about 9 years old now, and I hope he's that healthy at that age.

Eric & Ethan
02-21-17, 09:05 PM
I am fairly new to this forum, and enjoy the feedback. I will try and update pictures frequently, especially the latest addition..... my sons new red tail boa.

Eric & Ethan
02-21-17, 09:19 PM
Wow! 26!!! Looks amazing!!!

Thank you, every time I walk by her enclosure I can't help but feel lucky. She has been with me since I was 16, I am 42 now. She is like a living timeline, I don't know if chilling with her on the floor makes me feel older or younger.......I like to think younger. Especially when she looks like this after a shed.

02-21-17, 09:55 PM
Awww, that is an awesome story! I hope my guys live that long. I'll be 60 by then though haha! She's a lucky snake to have the same owner for 26 years, so many get bought, sold, and traded before they get that old.

02-21-17, 11:42 PM
As the others have said, it's nice to see an older snake, especially one that's stayed put for so long. I've had my bp the longest, coming up on 11 years later this year. I'd like to think I'll still have him another 11 years!

02-22-17, 03:58 AM
She's looks fantastic for her age you'd never know,think you must
Of secretly Botoxing her,lol
I had a grey for 17yrs thought I was lucky at that

Eric & Ethan
02-22-17, 08:48 AM
She's got what looks like a little separation between some scales on her head ( if you look close you can see it), but does not shy away when I touch it, so I don't think it's causing discomfort. I attribute them to her age, like the wrinkles I'll age with. Even still I think she's beautiful, I wish she shed more often. When she does, the fact that she still shines is something else.

EL Ziggy
02-22-17, 08:58 AM
E & E- That's a gorgeous animal. As others have said, it's great to see snakes that mature and it's a very positive testament of the great care you've obviously given her. That's what I'm hoping for with all my critters too. Thanks for sharing and for the inspiration/motivation. :)

Eric & Ethan
02-22-17, 09:20 AM
It is actually this forum and the interest of my 11 year old son that have "rekindled" what draws me to snakes. My wife finally (last November) agreed to let him have his own snake. We found a good deal for a young CRB, that ended up with a respiratory infection that killed her. It was a craigslist purchase from a first time snake owner. I take the blame for it, but it was a learning experience. I will not just buy anything from anybody. Anyway, we waited a few weeks before finding another great opportunity through referral from the local shop. My son now has a new Columbian red-tailed boa that he calls Milo. She is due to eat for the first time in our care this weekend, I will post some pictures soon.

Albert Clark
02-22-17, 11:48 AM
Has the older boa ever been ill or needed to go to a exotic vet? He's a very healthy looking reptile and also what are you currently feeding him as a staple? Sorry to read about the CRB.

Eric & Ethan
02-22-17, 12:52 PM
She has never seen a vet, the most concernining thing that ever happened was a few years back she was raising her head with her mouth open making a gurgling sound. It went on intermittently for about an hour or so. That was on a Saturday night. The vet not being open on Sunday, I decided to watch her closely, and if it persisted take her to see the vet on Monday. It did not reoccur so I offered her a rat on Monday, she ate it quickly and has been her normal self ever since. As far as eating, I feed her a jumbo rat about every 4-6 weeks. Feeding usually depends on her, having her for so many years, I can read her tendencies when she's looking to eat. The longest I think she has gone is about 9 weeks.

Not that I ever took her for granted, but the feedback I am getting from this forum is appreciated. Everyone here seems to be knowledgeable about everything reptile. I am just a kid that caught my first garter snake at the age of 4, I was hooked. Now I have a wife, three boys, two dogs, a 26 year old Columbian red-tail, and I convinced my wife to let the 11 year old have his own 3 year old Columbian red-tail. I really am lucky.

Albert Clark
02-22-17, 06:43 PM
Well, congrats for all that. Thanks for sharing.

02-22-17, 08:36 PM
I totally know how you feel. I got my Dominican/Haitian Boa Rudy when I was 12; I'm 47 now and he's still going strong. Similar to your story he's never been outwardly sick and the main scare was a 14 month fast when he was about 4. Seeing your thread reminds me I should put up some recent pic. Gratitude is definitely the sentiment.