View Full Version : Coleonyx mitratus

02-26-03, 11:47 PM
I was wondering if anyone out there works with a small species of gecko, a Eublepharine by the name of Coleonyx mitratus?? Also known as Central American Banded Gecko, Nicaraguan Banded Gecko, Belize Banded Gecko and who the h#ll knows how many other names!!
There have been tons imported over the last 10 years, but, despite their cute demeanors, confident "personalities" and beautifully contrasting appearance, and fantastic breeding potential, it is my conclusion that not many people, in Canada at least, keep or even breed this species.
I was wondering if there were any others, like myself, who have realized the potential of this unique species... So... Are ya out there??

02-27-03, 01:51 PM
I had a wonderful trio, but regretfully had to sell them due to time/space constraints. I had them for a long time though, and hatched out a ton of babies. PM if you want to chat about them!