View Full Version : First breeding program suggestions?

02-14-17, 09:51 PM
I'd like to start breeding snakes, but I'm having trouble deciding what species to make my first breeding project. I've considered Kenyan Sand Boas since I figured that the live birth might make things easier on me, and others such as corns or hognoses. Maybe even using my kingsnake Oreo, who I'm fairly sure is a female. I'd like some of your opinions and experiences. It'll be a big help to me.

02-15-17, 01:12 AM
I'd like to start breeding snakes, but I'm having trouble deciding what species to make my first breeding project. I've considered Kenyan Sand Boas since I figured that the live birth might make things easier on me, and others such as corns or hognoses. Maybe even using my kingsnake Oreo, who I'm fairly sure is a female. I'd like some of your opinions and experiences. It'll be a big help to me.

Personally I wouldn't breed a species that I havnt kept for a long time, enough that I've got all aspects of care perfect... which out of that list do you have the most experience with?

Also, unless you plan to keep them all you need to think about what there's a market for locally to you. Unless you plan to ship the snakes out to buyers.. Good luck! :D

02-15-17, 02:17 PM
I've had Oreo the longest, the kingsnake. Been looking at different morphs and I think it'd be really cool to mix her with a chocolate. I'd be getting any new snakes as babies so it'd be a few years anyways before I could breed them. Thanks for replying :)

King Snake 67
04-02-17, 10:44 PM
What species is your king snake😊

04-03-17, 01:04 PM
Have fun. Just pick something you enjoy keeping.